Chaotic Dischord – Fuck Religion, Fuck Politics, Fuck The Lot Of You! CD


Álbum da banda inglesa de Punk Rock , lançado em 1983. Inclui faixas bônus.

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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 1983
País:  Reino Unido
Ano de Formação: 1981
Procedência: Internacional
Gravadora: Dead Ringer
Estilo: Punk Rock


1. Fuck Religion, Fuck Politics, Fuck the Lot of You
2. Punk Aggression
3. City Claustrophobia
4. Boy Bill
5. Wild Mohicans
6. S.O.A.H.C.
7. Sound of Music
8. Cider ‘N’ Dogs
9. Destroy Peace ‘N’ Freedo,
10. Boring Bastards
11. Shadow
12. Anti-Christ
13. ’77 In’ ’82 (What’s It Got to Do With You)
14. And There Wuz Cows
15. Alternate Culture
16. Loud, Tuneless ‘N’ Thick (Ugly’s Too Good for You)
Bonus Tracks
17. Fuck The World
18. You’re Gonna Die
19. Sold Out To The G.P.O.
20. Accident
21. Never Trust A Friend
22. Popstars
23. Are Students Safe
24. Great Rock N Roll Swindle
25. Don’t Throw It All Away
26. Stab Your Back
27. Sausage, Beans & Chips
28. Who Killed E.T. (I Killed The Fucker!)
29. 22 Hole Doc. Martens
30. Anarchy In Woolworths
31. Batcave Benders Meet The Alien Durex Machine


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