
Grim Funeral/Spectre – A Grim Funeral for Humanity / Coldness in the Howl CD

De: R$ 55.00 Por: R$ 49.5

Split álbum das bandas espanholas de Black Metal , lançado em 2004.

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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2004
País: Espanha
Procedência: Internacional
Gravadora: Solistitium Records
Estilo: Death Metal


1. Grim Funeral – Sinister Dawn, Grim Day…Funebre Dusk 09:19
2. Grim Funeral – My Grim Funeral 08:31
3. Grim Funeral – Funebre Enchantment 04:32
4. Grim Funeral – Grim Screams of Mourning in the Funeral Night 07:35
5. Grim Funeral – A Funeral in Solitude 06:44
6. Grim Funeral – Epitaph 02:04
7. Spectre – The Spectre 04:11
8. Spectre – Spiral of Cry 02:57
9. Spectre – Screams in the Silence of the Old Forest 04:17
10. Spectre – Winds of Blasphemy 05:25
11. Spectre – Coldness in the Howl 05:53
12. Spectre – World Fascination – Mankind Abberation 03:14
13. Spectre – The Grave of the Black Forest 04:29


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