Malevolent Creation – The Ten Commandments CD


Primeiro álbum da banda americana de Death Metal, lançado originalmente em 1991. Versão nacional Dupla com Slipcase lançada em 2018.

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CD Duplo (Caixa Acrílica+Slipcase)
Ano: 1991/2018
País: EUA
Ano de Formação: 1987
Procedência: Nacional
Gravadora: Hammer Heart Records
Estilo: Death Metal

Disc 1
1. Memorial Arrangements
2. Premature Burial
3. Remnants of Withered Decay
4. Multiple Stab Wounds
5. Impaled Existence
6. Thou Shall Kill!
7. Sacrificial Annihilation
8. Decadence Within
9. Injected Sufferage
10. Malevolent Creation

Disc 2
1. Sacrificial Annihilation
2. The Traitor Must Pay
3. Confirmed Kill
4. Injected Sufferage
5. Epileptic Seizure
6. Violent Offspring
7. Remnants of Withered Decay
8. Decadence Within
9. Impaled Existence
10. Malevolent Creation
11. Remnants of Withered Decay
12. Darkness Within (The Human Corporation)
13. Epileptic Seizure
14. Sacrificial Annihilation
15. Scout Woman


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