Saxon – The Eagle Has Landed III CD


Live álbum da banda britânica de NWOBHM / Heavy Metal, lançado originalmente em 2006.

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CD Duplo (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2006/2008
País: Reino Unido
Ano de Formação: 1978
Procedência: Internacional(Argentina)
Gravadora: Icarus Music/ Frontiers
Estilo: NWOBHM / Heavy Metal

CD 1:
1. This Town Rocks (Stockholm 2005)
2. Backs to the Wall (Nuremberg 2005)
3. Redline (Hamburg 2005)
4. Stand Up and Be Counted (Berlin 2005)
5. Never Surrender (Berlin 2005)
6. Frozen Rainbow (Fulda 2005)
7. Suzie Hold On (Nuremberg 2005)
8. Play It Loud (Nuremberg 2005)
9. Warrior (Nuremberg 2005)
10. See the Lights Shining (Hamburg 2005)
11. To Hell and Back Again (Hamburg 2005)
12. Stallions of the Highway (Fulda 2005)
13. Wheels of Steel (Nuremberg 2005)
14. And the Bands Played On (Wacken 2004)
15. Crusader (Wacken 2004)

CD 2:
1. The Return (Paris 2004)
2. Lionheart (Paris 2004)
3. Man & Machine (London 2004)
4. Beyond the Grave (London 2004)
5. Searching For Atlantis (London 2004)
6. To Live By the Sword Pt. I (London 2004)
7. Unleash the Beast (London 2004)
8. To Live By the Sword Pt. II (London 2004)
9. Flying on the Edge (Paris 2004)
10. Jack Tars (Kiel 2004)
11. English Man ‘O’ War (Kiel 2004)
12. Court of the Crimson King (Kiel 2004)
13. Broken Heroes (Kiel 2004)
14. Dragon’s Lair (Kiel 2004)
15. Rock Is Our Live (Wacken 2004)
16. Travellers Time (Wacken 2004)
17. Solid Ball of Rock (Wacken 2004)



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