Tumour ‎– Goreaholic CD


Álbum da banda polonesa de Goregrind, lançado em 2006.

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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2006
País: Holanda
Procedência: Internacional
Gravadora: Klysma  Records
Estilo: Goregrind


1. Gefolterd, In Stukken Gereten En Geconsumeerd
2. In Staat Van Ontbinding
3. Ledematen Legpuzzel
4. T Brute Liquihelmus
5. Penetrating A Drill Through Your Bones
6. Man Eating Morons
7. Carnivora I
8. Brutally Fucked With An Awefully Big Chainsaw
9. Smashing A Poserwimps Decomposed Brains In
10. Rancid Deformities
11. Ghastly Repulsive Offal
12. Brains For Breakfast
13. Pulverizing Impact
14. Obscure Gastritis
15. Minced In My Meatgrinder
16. Introduction
17. Vomitorial Splatter Parties
18. Severed Stoma
19. Crippled Baldy Bastard
20. Cumulative Mass Of Crunchy Stiffs
21. Deceased Imaginations
22. Maimed
23. My God Is Gore
24. Eyeball Eruption
25. The Evil-Hand-Syndrome
26. Strangled With Your Own Intestines
27. Carnivora II
28. Introduction
29. CCC
30. Torture
31. Necrovomiputrepus
32. Sacrococcygeal Teratoma Outroduction


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