Saxon – The Inner Sanctum CD


18º álbum da banda Inglesa de NWOBHM/Heavy Metal, lançado em 2007. Versão CD+DVD.

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CD+DVD (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2007
País: Inglaterra
Ano de Formação: 1978
Procedência: Internacional
Gravadora: Icarus Music
Estilo: NWOBHM/Heavy Metal

Disco 1 (CD)
1. State of Grace 05:37
2. Need for Speed 03:08
3. Let Me Feel Your Power 03:29
4. Red Star Falling 06:16
5. I’ve Got to Rock (to Stay Alive) 04:40
6. If I Was You (album version) 03:27
7. Going Nowhere Fast 04:15
8. Ashes to Ashes 04:52
9. Empire Rising 00:41 instrumental
10. Atila the Hun 08:09
11. If I Was You (Edit Version)

Disco 2 (DVD)
1. To Hell and Back Again
2. A Night Out with the Boys – The Idea
3. A Night Out with the Boys – Not Really
4. See the Light Shining
5. A Night Out with the Boys – Now It Started
6. Redline
7. Suzie Hold On
8. Stand Up and Be Counted
9. Frozen Rainbow
10. Never Surrender


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