- A Chave Do Sol
- A Dead Poem
- A Gruesome Find
- A Naked Soul
- A Sad Bada
- A Switch Below
- A Transylvanian Funeral
- A.C.T.
- Aamonhammer
- Aanal Beehemoth
- Aasgard
- Aasverus
- Abaddon
- Abate
- Abate Macabro
- Abazagorath
- Abbath
- Abduction
- Aberrant
- Aberratio
- Abgott
- Abhorior
- Abigail
- Abismo 666
- Abismo de Lúcifer
- Abnormal End
- Abolition of Impediment
- Abominant
- Aboriorth
- Aborted
- Abortion
- Abraded
- Abrahel
- Abramelin
- Abramis Brama
- Abraskadabra
- Abrekadaver
- Absent
- Absentia Lunae
- Abske Fides
- Absolute Disgrace
- Absonus Noctis
- Absu
- Absurd
- Absyde
- Abusive
- Abusiveness
- Abygor
- Abysmal Dawn
- Abysmal Depths
- Abysmal Grief
- Abyss Of Insanity
- Abyssal Forest
- Acacia Crown
- Ação Direta
- Ação Terrorista
- Acarus Sarcopt
- Accept
- Accu§er
- Accursed Christ
- Accurst
- Accuser
- Ace Frehley
- Acefalia
- Acéldama
- Acheron
- Acherontas
- Acid
- Acid Brigade
- Acid Storm
- Acod
- Açoite
- Acrópole
- Act Noir
- Act Of God
- Acustic Neuroma
- Ad Baculum
- Ad Gloriam
- Ad Hominem
- Ad Inferno / Goat Emperor
- Adagio
- Adalruna
- Adamas
- Adellaide
- Adetar
- Adhuk
- Adimiron
- Adler
- Adorned Brood
- Adragard
- Adrammelech
- Adrenaline Mob
- Adrenicide
- Adrian
- Adrian Smith
- Adumus
- Adversam
- Adversor
- Aegeon
- Aegrus
- Aeon
- Aeon Winds
- Aeons of Ashes
- Aeons Ov Frost
- Aerosmith
- Aesir
- Aeternus Odium
- Aetheres
- Aetherius Obscuritas
- Affliction
- Afflictis Lentae
- Affront
- Afgrund
- After Forever
- Afterlife
- Aftermath
- Afterworld
- Agabus
- Against Evil
- Against Tolerance
- Agalloch
- Agamenon Project
- Agathocles
- Agathodaimon
- Agaurez
- Agazgul
- Age of Agony
- Agent Of Man
- Agent Steel
- Aggresion
- Aggression Core
- Aggressive Tyrants
- Agios Luciferi
- Agnes Strange
- Agnostic Front
- Agony
- Agony Voices
- Agorhy
- Agressor
- Agrotóxico
- Ahab
- Aifur
- Ain Sof Aur
- Ainshval
- Air Raid
- Airforce
- Aisthesis
- AK-11
- Aka Funeral
- Akashah
- Akasio Angels
- Akerbeltz
- Akheron
- Aksaya
- Al Di Meola
- Alaja
- Alan Morse
- Alastor
- Alastor Sanguinary Embryo
- Alavena
- Albert Fish
- Alcatrazz
- Alcest
- Alchemia
- Alcoholic Force
- Alcoholic Rites
- Álcool
- Alcotopia
- Aldaaron
- Além-Homem
- Alestorm
- Alex Meister
- Alfa Eridano Akhernar
- Alfar
- Algol
- Algoz Profanador
- Aliaga
- Alice Cooper
- Alice Cooper Band
- Alice in Chains
- Alien Force
- Alien Squad
- Alkhimya
- Alkoholizer
- Alkymenia
- All for Metal
- All Shall Perish
- Allegiance
- Allen - Lande
- Allfather-Odinn
- Allhelluja
- Alltheniko
- Almah
- Almanac
- AlNamrood
- Alocer
- Alpha Mountain
- Alquimea
- Alta Reign
- Alta Tensão
- Altar
- Altar Of Sin
- Altaria
- Altars
- Alter Bridge
- Alto Teor De Revolta
- Altú Págánach
- Amaduscias
- Amantikir
- Amaranthe
- Amarna Sky
- Amazarak
- Ambrotos
- Ambush
- Amen Corner
- Amenize
- Amenthis
- Amethyst
- Ammanas
- Ammentia
- Ammit
- Amnion
- Amoclen
- Amok
- Amon Amarth
- Amon Duul
- Among Gods
- Among Rats
- Amongst The Deceit
- Amorphis
- Amorphous
- Amort
- Amortez
- Amulance
- Amystery
- Ana Venus
- Anaal Nathrakh
- Anaalia
- Anaboth
- Anacrusis
- Anael
- Anal Blasphemy
- Anal Blast
- Anal Flesh
- Anal Penetration
- Anal Vomit
- Anarchus
- Anarkhon
- Anathema
- Anatomical Theatre
- Anatomy
- Ancestral Cântico
- Ancestral Malediction
- Ancestrum
- Ancesttral
- Anchor
- Ancient
- Ancient Age
- Ancient Curse
- Ancient Skin
- And Harmony Dies
- Anderson / Stolt
- Andralls
- André Gonzales
- André Matos
- Andreas Kisser
- Andrey Bairamov
- Andsolis
- Anette Olzon
- Aneurysm
- Angakok
- Angel Death
- Angel Dust
- Angel of Light
- Angel of Light/ Satanaquia
- Angel Of Sodom
- Angel Witch
- Angelcorpse
- Angeles del Infierno
- Angelo Perlepes' Mystery
- Angels And Demons
- Angels Decay
- Angelus Apatrida
- Angkor Wat
- Angra
- Angry
- Anguere
- Anguish Force
- Angus
- Anhaguama
- Anima Inmortalis
- Animal Hate
- Animo Aeger
- Animus Mortis
- Anion Effect
- Ankrismah
- Anmod
- Ann Wilson
- Anneke Van Giersbergen
- Annihilator
- Annthennath
- Annulation
- Anonima Sequestri
- Anonymous Hate
- Antagonized
- Anthares
- Anthenora
- Anthrax
- Anthro Halaust
- Anti
- Anti Flesh
- Anti-Flag
- Antichrist
- Antichrist Hooligans
- Antidemon
- AntiFlesh
- Antigama
- Antigod
- Antikatechon
- Antiklan
- Antioch
- Antipope
- Antítese
- Antroforce
- Anubis
- Anus Tumor
- Anvil
- Anwech
- Any Face
- Anzol
- Aorlhac
- Apati
- Aphasia
- Aphonic Threnody
- Aphorism
- Aphotic Spectre
- Apnea
- Apocalypse
- Apocalyptic Raids
- Apocalyptica
- Apocryphal
- Apokalyptic Raids
- Apokrypha
- Apolion
- Apolion's Genocide
- Apolokia
- Apophizys
- Aporya
- Apostate
- Apostles of Perversion
- Apoteom
- Apparition
- April 16th
- Aquaria
- Aqueronte
- Aquiles Priester
- Aragorn
- Arathyr
- Arautos do Caos
- Arbach
- Arcane Dread
- Arcano
- Arcano Arconte
- Arch Enemy
- Archagathus
- Archaic Winter
- Archerontas
- Archgoat
- Archityrants
- Archon Angel
- Archspire
- Arctic Monkeys
- Arcturus
- Arena
- Ares
- Argentum
- Argie
- Ariman
- Arion
- Arkanger
- Arkanus Ad Noctum
- Arkenfire
- Arkenstone
- Arkona
- Arma
- Armada
- Armadilha
- Armagedom
- Armahda
- Armentar
- Armored Dawn
- Armored Saint
- Armoros
- Armum
- Arphaxat
- Ars Diavoli
- Ars Macabra
- Ars Manifestia
- Arsenic
- Arsenius
- Arsis
- Artigo DZ9?
- Artillery
- Aryadeva
- Aryman
- Aryos
- As Dramatic Homage
- As I Lay Dying
- As It Burns
- As Light Dies
- As the Shadows Fall
- Asagraum
- Asbestos
- Ascendancy
- Asco
- Asedio
- Asgrauw
- Ashbury
- Ashen
- Ashen Light
- Ashes of Ares
- Ashes You Leave
- Ashtar
- Ashtoreth
- Ashura
- Asia
- Aske
- Asmodeus
- Asomvel
- Asphodelus
- Asphyx
- Asrai
- Ass
- Ass Flavour
- Ass to Mouth
- Assassin
- Assassin's Creed
- Assassinato
- Assault
- Assemblent
- Astafix
- Astarium
- Astarot
- Astarte
- Astral Doors
- Astrarot
- Asylum
- At The Gates
- At The Movies
- At Vance
- At War
- Atack Epiléptico
- Atacke Nuclear
- Atanab
- Ataque Sonoro
- Ataque Violento
- Ataraxia
- Atari Teenage Riot
- Atem
- Ateofania
- Ater Era
- Atheist
- Athena XIX
- Athos
- Atis
- Atlain
- Atlantis
- Atman
- Atom Rhumba
- Atomic Bomb
- Atomic Curse
- Atomic Roar
- Atomic Rooster
- Atomkraft
- Atra Hora
- Atrito Urbano
- Atrocity
- Atrocity feat. Das Ich
- Atropina
- Atroz
- Atrozfear
- Attack
- Attacker
- Attero
- Attick Demons
- Attika
- Attila
- Attomic Soldier
- Attomica
- Attro
- Audioslave
- Audn
- Aura Negativ
- Aura Noir
- Auri
- Auro Control
- Aurora Ígnea
- Austhral
- Autograph
- Autokrator
- Autonomy
- Autophagia
- Autopsy
- Autoramas
- Autumn Tears
- Autumnblaze
- Avalon
- Avantasia
- Avatarium
- Ave Sathanas
- Avec Tristesse
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Avenger
- Aversions Crown
- Avigal
- Avril Lavigne
- Avulsed
- Avulsion
- Awake the Mighty Dragon
- Axe Crazy
- Axe Witch
- Axecuter
- Axel Rudi Pell
- Axenstar
- Axewitch
- Ayat Akrass
- Aypheros
- Ayreon
- Azaghal
- Azotador
- Azoth
- Azul Limão
- B.B. King
- B.U.S.H.
- Baal
- Baal Zebuth
- Baby Metal
- Baby Stab Horror
- Backwood Spirit
- Bad Bones Beast
- Bad Brains
- Bad Company
- Badlands
- Bael
- Baest
- Bag Of Hammers
- Baga
- Bagatur
- Baixo Calão
- Baker Gurvitz Army
- Baktheria
- Balam Akab
- Balberith
- Banda Lúgubre
- Bandanos
- Bandido Da Luz Vermelha
- Bang
- Bangkok Babes
- Banshee
- Baptism
- Baptism in Hell
- Baranga
- Barão Vemelho
- Barb Wire Dolls
- Barbarian Prophecies
- Barbarikult
- Barbarity
- Barbarous Pomerania
- Barbatos
- Barcode
- Barfly
- Bark
- Baron Rojo
- Barrabas
- Barzak
- Basalt
- Bastard God
- Bastard Saints
- Bastarth
- Basttardz
- Bathory
- Bathtub Shitter
- Battalion
- Battle Beast
- Battlestorm
- Battlesword
- Batushka
- Beast
- Beast Conjurator
- Beast in Black
- Beast Modulus
- Beastie Boys
- Beastlurker
- Beautiful Sin
- Beck
- Bedsore
- Before Eden
- Before The Fall
- Behalf Fiend
- Behavior
- Behaviour
- Behemoth
- Beherit
- Behexen
- Belarus Beaver
- Belchior
- Beleth
- Belial
- Belial Throne
- Bell Witch
- Belle & Sebastian
- Bellicus Daemoniacus
- Belligerence
- Belphegor
- Beltane
- Belzabeth
- Belzec
- Bemdesar
- Benediction
- Benedictum
- Benemmerinnen
- Benighted In Sodom
- Berkowitz
- Berzabum
- Berzerkers
- Besatt
- Besta
- Besthöven
- Besthoven
- Bestia
- Bestial
- Bestial Curse
- Bestial Deform
- Bestial Devastator
- Bestial Mockery
- Bestial Rape
- Bestial Torment
- Bestialgoat
- Bestiality
- Bestiality Business
- Bestialized
- Beth Hart
- Beth Hart And Joe Bonamassa
- Bethlehem
- Beto Vazquez Infinity
- Beton
- Betrayal
- Betsy
- Betzefer
- Bewitched
- Bewitchment
- Beyond Belief
- Beyond Chaos
- Beyond Creation
- Beyond Description
- Beyond Fear
- Beyond Helvete
- Beyond Surface
- Beyond the Black
- Beyond the Catacombs
- Beyond The Embrace
- Beyond The Flesh
- Beyond The Sixth Seal
- Beyond Ye Grave
- Bible Black
- Bidê Ou Balde
- Biff Byford
- Big Big Train
- Billie Joe Armstrong
- Billy F. Gibbons
- BillyBio
- Biloxi
- Bilskirnir
- Biocyst
- Biohazard
- Bionic Angel
- Biotoxic Warfare
- Birth A.D.
- Birth Asphyxia
- Bitch
- Bitches Sin
- Bitchfork
- Biter
- Bittencourt Project
- BittenCross
- Bitter End
- Bitter Grounds
- Bitter Peace
- Bizarre Ejaculation
- Bizarre X
- Black 'N Blue
- Black Achemoth
- Black Angel
- Black Autumn
- Black Celebration
- Black Ceremonial Kult
- Black Country Communion
- Black Empire
- Black Feather Klan
- Black Fire
- Black Flag
- Black Flame
- Black Friday 29
- Black Grave
- Black Hammer
- Black Hole
- Black Horizon
- Black Howling
- Black Invocation
- Black Kirin
- Black Label Society
- Black Magic Fools
- Black Mantra
- Black Mass Ritual
- Black Messiah
- Black Misanthropy
- Black Mountain
- Black Oak Arkansas
- Black Oath
- Black Rose
- Black Sabbath
- Black Souls Death
- Black Sputum
- Black Star Riders
- Black Stone Cherry
- Black Swan
- Black Symphony
- Black Tears
- Black Torment
- Black Void
- Blackberry Smoke
- Blackbriar
- Blackdeath
- Blackhorned
- Blackhorned Saga
- Blacklace
- Blackmass
- Blackmoon Eclipse
- Blackmore's Night
- Blackning
- Blackshine
- BlackSkull
- BlackSmith
- Blackwater Park
- Blackwülf
- Blade Killer
- Blasart
- Blasfemador
- Blasfemia
- Blasfemias Ocultas
- Blasphemaniac
- Blasphemation
- Blasphematorium
- Blasphemiam
- Blasphemy
- Blast Agony
- Blasthrash
- Blaze Bayley
- Blaze Of Perdition
- Blazing Corpse
- Blazing Tomb
- Bleed From Within
- Bleeding Fist
- Bleeding Utopia
- Blessed in Sin
- Blestema
- Blind Channel
- Blind Golem
- Blind Guardian
- Blind Guardian
- Blind Illusion
- Blind Justice
- Blind Pigs
- Blink 182
- Bliss Of Flesh
- Blitzkrieg
- Blizzard Hunter
- Blodfest
- Blodtru
- Blodulv
- Blood
- Blood Feast
- Blood Incantation
- Blood Money
- Blood Mortized
- Blood of Christ
- Blood Red Throne
- Blood Spore
- Blood Storm
- Blood Vengeance
- Bloodbastard
- Bloodbath
- Bloodbound
- Bloodevil
- Bloodfiend
- Bloodgod
- Bloodgut
- Bloodhammer
- Bloodington
- Bloodlust
- Bloodmoon
- Bloodphemy
- Bloodrain
- Bloodshot BXL
- Bloodstained
- Bloodthirst
- Bloodthorn
- Bloodwork
- Bloody
- Bloody Obsession
- Bloody Sign
- Bloody Vengeance
- Bloody Violence
- Bloody Vomit
- Blossom Death
- Blowin Free
- Bludgeon
- Blue Barrel
- Blue Cheer
- Blue Oyster Cult
- Blue Öyster Cult
- Blues Pills
- Bluescificação
- Blut aus Nord
- Blutrină
- Bob Dylan
- Bob Marley
- Body Count
- Bog of the Infidel
- Bokrug
- Bolesno Grinje
- Bolor
- Bolt Thrower
- Bomb And Scary
- Bomb Threat
- Bombarder
- Bömber
- Bomberos
- Bombus
- Bon Jovi
- BoneAche
- Bonecrusher
- Bonehouse
- Bones In Traction
- Bonfire
- Borknagar
- Born Blind
- Born In Black
- Borow
- Boston
- Bothrash
- Botulistum
- Bound In Human Flesh
- Bounded
- Bowel Stew
- Brado
- Brahdr'uhz
- Braia
- Brainfever
- Brainstorm
- Brave
- Brazil Painted Blood
- Brazil Rock City
- Breakdown
- Breaker
- Breaking Silence
- Breakpoint
- Breizh Occult
- Briar
- Briargh
- Bride
- Brigada Do Ódio
- Britannia Infernus
- Brizio
- Broken Edge
- Broken Hope
- Brothers in Arms
- Brothers of Metal
- Brothers of Sword
- Bruce Dickinson
- Brujeira
- Brujeria
- Brumalis
- Brutal Abyss
- Brutal Death
- Brutal Faith
- Brutal Morticínio
- Brutal Morticinio
- Brutal Truth
- Brutality
- Brutallian
- Bruxa Argaica
- Buckshot Facelift
- Bud Tribe
- Buddy Guy
- Budgie
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Summer
- Buffalo Theory Mtl
- Bulldozer
- Bullet
- Bullet Bane
- Bullet for My Valentine
- Bullet-Proof
- Bullethole
- Bulletsize
- Bunder Nekromunda
- Burden A.D
- Burial
- Burial Temple
- Buried Beneath
- Buried Dreams
- Burn Hollywood Burn
- Burn The Makind
- Burn the Mankind
- Burn the Priest
- Burning Brides
- Burning Inside
- Burning Point
- Burning Rain
- Burning Torment
- Burning Witches
- Burzum
- Busic
- Butcher
- Butcher ABC
- Butterfly Temple
- Buxen
- Buzzcocks
- By Brute Force
- Bywar
- C Of E
- C.O.E
- C.P.D.
- C4
- Cabra Infernal
- Cabranegra
- Cäbränegrä / Järnbörd
- Caçador De Almas
- Caceria
- Cachorro Da Duença
- Cachorro Grande
- Cactus
- Cadaver
- Cadaveria
- Cadaveric
- Cadaveric Crematorium
- Cadaveric Incubator
- Cadaveric Infection
- Cadaverise
- Cadela Maldita
- Caducity
- Cage
- Cain
- Caixão
- Calcined
- Caliban
- Calibre 38
- California Breed
- Caligula
- Call Ov Unearthly
- Calvarium Funestus
- Calvary Death
- Camel
- Camos
- Camulos
- Cancer
- Cancerbero
- Candle Serenade
- Candlemass
- Canedy
- Cannabis Corpse
- Cannibal Corpse
- Cannibe
- Caos y Desolacion e Nossa Realidade
- Capital Inicial
- Capitali$t Alienation
- Capricorn
- Capricornus
- Captain Beyond
- Captain Frapat
- Carach Angren
- Caravan
- Caravellus
- Carbona
- Carbonized
- Carcará
- Carcass
- Carcava
- Cardiac
- Cardiac Arrest
- Cardiac Necropsy
- Carignan
- Carl Sentance
- Carna Lust
- Carnal
- Carnal Dread
- Carnal Garden
- Carnal Ghoul
- Carnal Lust
- Carnal Savagery
- Carnation
- Carnavage
- Carniça
- Carnifex
- Carnivore Mind
- Carnivorous Voracity
- Carnyx
- Carpathian Forest
- Carpatus
- Carrasco
- Carraz
- Carrier Flux
- Carro Bomba
- Carthaun
- Carve
- Casa das Máquinas
- Casablanca
- CaSch
- Cash for Chaos
- Casketgarden
- Castifas
- Castigo
- Cat Scratch Band
- Catacumba
- Cataleptic
- Cataplexy
- Catastrophic
- Category 7
- Cathedral
- Cathedral
- Catholicon
- Cattle Decapitation
- Cause For Effect
- Caustic
- Caustic Phlegm
- Caustic Wound
- Cauterization
- Caution
- Cavalar
- Cavaleiro Dragão
- Cavalera Conspiracy
- Cavalo Vapor
- Caverna
- Cavernum
- Celebratum
- Celebros Atomicos
- Celestia
- Celestial Season
- Cellar Darling
- Celtic Dance
- Celtic Frost
- Cement Rain
- Cemetary
- Cemetery
- Cemetery Lust
- Cemetery Skyline
- Cemitério
- Centaur
- Centinex
- Centrate
- Centurian
- Centúrias
- Cephalic Carnage
- Cérbero
- Cerberus Attack
- Cerebral
- Cerebral Crusher
- Cerebral Rot
- Cerebral Turbulency
- Cérebro de Galinha
- Cerebus
- Cerekloth
- Ceremonial Oath
- Ceremonial Serenare
- Ceremonial Worship
- Cerimonial Sacred
- Chacina
- Chain Collector
- Chainsaw Surgery
- Chakal
- Chalice
- Chamber of Torture
- Chandeen
- Chandelier
- Changer
- Chant of the Goddess
- Chaos Feeds Life
- Chaos Synopsis
- Chaosfear
- Chaoslace
- ChaosWolf
- Chaotic Dischord
- Chaotic Humanity Choice
- Chaotic Humanity Chovesse
- Chapel of Disease
- Chariot
- Charlie Brown Jr.
- Charnier
- Charred
- Charred Walls Of The Damned
- Chasma
- Chastain
- Chateaux
- Cheap Trick
- Chelmno
- Chelsea Grin
- Chemical Death
- Chemical Disaster
- Chemicaust
- Chemicide
- Cheol
- Chernobog
- Chevauchée
- Chicken Shack
- Chickenfoot
- Chikara
- Child's Play
- Children of Bodom
- Children of the Sün
- Chimaira
- Chinchilla
- Chipset Zero
- Choke
- Chris Caffery
- Chris Cornell
- Christ Agony
- Christ's Death
- Chrome Division
- Chronaexus
- Chronic Ashes
- Chronic Infect
- Chronosphere
- Chthonic
- Chumbo
- Church Of Misery
- Churril
- Ciborium
- Cień
- Cinderella
- Cine
- Cinis
- Circle II Circle
- Circle Jerks
- Circle's Line
- Circus Satanae
- Cirith Ungol
- Ciro Pessoa
- Cirrhosis
- Cities
- Citizen
- Civerous
- Clairvoyant
- Clamus
- Clash
- Classicos do Punk
- Claustrofobia
- Clavicula Nox
- Clavion
- Clawed Forehead
- Clawfinger
- Clawn
- Clearview
- Clearwater Deathblow
- Cleaver
- Clenched Fist
- Cliff Morrison/The Lizard Sun Band
- Climatic Terra
- Clorange
- Clouds
- Cloven Hoof
- Coagulate
- Coal Chamber
- Coathanger Abortion
- Cobra Spell
- Cock Sparrer
- Coffin Birth
- Coffins
- Coherent Liquid Form
- Cold Colours
- Cold Grave
- Cold Mist
- Cold Night
- Cold Northern Vengeance
- Coldblood
- Coldblooded
- Coldness
- Coldplay
- Coldseed
- Coldwinter
- Coldworker
- Cólera
- Coliseum
- Collapse NR
- Colt. 45
- Comando Nuclear
- Combat Noise
- Combate SP
- Comecon
- Command6
- Common Grave
- Communic
- Conceived by Hate
- Conception
- Concubia Nocte
- Condemnatory
- Condition Critical
- Condition Red
- Confounded
- Confronto
- Confusion
- Congenital Anomalies
- Conjure
- Connate Exasperation
- Connecting Pieces
- Conquest For Death
- Conquistadores
- Consciência Suburbana
- Consortium Project IV
- Conspiracy A.D.
- Conspirator
- Constant Vulse
- Contra Bando
- Converge
- Convicted
- Convulsive
- Coram Lethe
- Core
- CoreLeoni
- Corey Taylor
- Cornerstone
- Coroner
- Corporal Raid
- Corporate Death
- Corporation 187
- Corpse Carving
- Corpse Grinder
- Corpse Molester Cult
- Corpse Ov Christ
- Corpsehammer
- Corpses Conductor
- Corpus Christii
- Corrosion
- Corrosion Of Conformity
- Cortege
- Cortisol
- Costume
- Cotard Delusion
- Countess
- Covenant
- CPM22
- Crack Jaw
- Cracked Skull
- Cradle of Filth
- Craft
- Cranial Implosion
- Craniotomy
- Cranston
- Crash Street Kids
- CrashDiet
- Crashkill
- Crawling Death
- Crazy Horse
- Crazy Lixx
- Crazytown
- Cream
- Creative Waste
- Creatures
- Creedence Clearwater Revival
- Crematorio
- Crematory
- Crematory Digestor
- Creozoth
- Creptum
- Crepusculo Dos Idolos
- Crewish
- Criminal
- Criminal Element
- Criminal Vagina
- Crimsom Tyde
- Crimson Dawn
- Crimson Falls
- Crimson Glory
- Crimson Midwinter
- Crimson Tower
- Criogenia
- Cripple Bastards
- Criptal
- Crisandemia
- Crise Total
- Crisix
- Cristo em Chamas
- Critical Disaster
- Critical Fear
- Critical Solution
- Cro-Mags
- Crobot
- Cromathia
- Cronian
- Cropment
- Crossbones
- Crossfire
- Crossover
- Crossplane
- Crossrock
- Crotch Rot
- CrotchRot
- Crowbar
- Crowboar
- Crown Of Glory
- Crown Of Scorn
- Crown of Worms
- Crowne
- Crownshift
- Cruachan
- Cruciamentum
- Crucificator
- Crucified Mortals
- Crucifier
- Crucifixion BR
- Crucifyre
- Crude SS
- Crude SS
- Cruel Face Of Life
- Cruel Humanity
- Cruella
- Cruor Cultum
- Cruscifire
- Crustacean
- Crux Caelifera
- Cryfemal
- Crying Steel
- Cryoshock
- Crypt Vapor
- Crypta
- Cryptic
- Cryptic Dissolution
- Cryptic Rites
- Cryptic Slaughter
- Cryptic Tales
- Cryptic Throne
- Cryptopsy
- Cryptorium
- Crystal Ball
- Crystal Eyes
- Crystal Lake
- Crystal Viper
- Crystalline Darkness
- Cthulhuss
- Cuff
- Cülpado
- Culprit
- Cult Graves
- Cult of Eibon
- Cult of Horror
- Cult Of Luna
- Culto Profano
- Cultum Interitum
- Cultus Funeris
- Cumbeast
- Curriculum Mortis
- Cursed Christ
- Cursed Slaughter
- Cut Up
- Cutty Sark
- CxFxCx
- Cyanosis
- Cyber-Jack
- Cyclone Temple
- Cydia
- Cydonia
- Cyhiriaeth
- Cyhra
- Cynic
- Cynics
- Cypress Hill
- Cystoblastosis
- D.C Cooper
- D.E.R.
- D.F.C.
- D.H.
- D.Hate
- D.L.M.
- D.M.C.
- D.O.A.
- D.R.I.
- D.R.I.L.L.
- D'Artagnan
- Dacia
- Daedalean Complex
- Daemusinem
- Daggerspawn
- Dagoba
- Dagor
- Dagor Sorhdeam
- Dagorlad
- Dahmer
- Daimonos
- Daius
- Daizy Down
- Daksha
- Dalis Car
- Dallian
- Damageplan
- Dammerung
- Damn Laser Vampires
- Damn Youth
- Damnable
- Damnation City
- Dance Of Days
- Dance To The Radio
- Dancing Flame
- Danger Danger
- Dangerous Age
- Daniel Fonseca
- Danillium
- Danko Jones
- Dantalion
- Danzig
- Darah Perawan
- Dark Age
- Dark Ages
- Dark Angel
- Dark Armageddon
- Dark Avenger
- Dark Celebration
- Dark Empire
- Dark Faith
- Dark Forest of North
- Dark Fortress
- Dark Funeral
- Dark Fury
- Dark God
- Dark Heart
- Dark Illusion
- Dark Lunacy
- Dark Managarm
- Dark Messiah
- Dark Misanthropy
- Dark Moor
- Dark Morbid Death
- Dark Nova
- Dark Paranoia
- Dark Path
- Dark Prophecy
- Dark Reflection
- Dark Sadness
- Dark Sanctuary
- Dark Slumber
- Dark Star
- Dark Tower
- Dark Tranquillity
- Dark Warrior
- Dark Wisdom
- Dark Witch
- Dark Wizard
- Darkane
- Darkcell
- Darkenhöld
- Darker Mysteria
- Darkest Grove
- Darkest Hate Warfront
- Darkest Hour
- Darkestrah
- Darking
- Darklife
- Darkness
- Darkness Creature
- DarkRise
- Darkside
- Darkside Ritual
- Darkstorm
- DarkSyde
- Darkthrone
- Darktower
- Darktrance
- Darkwalker
- Darkwell
- Darrua
- Darxon
- Daryl Stuermer
- Darzamat
- Das Fossem
- Das Projekt Der Krummen Mauern
- Das Scheit
- Dashboard Confessional
- Datura
- Daughters Of Sophia
- Dauthuz
- Dave Evans
- Dave Navarro
- David Bowie
- David Byrne
- David Byron
- David Coverdale
- David Gilmour
- David Lee Roth
- David Rivera Violin Rock
- David Rock Feinstein
- Dawn
- Dawn Of Azazel
- Dawn Of Dreams
- Dawnrider
- Day Before Us
- Daydreamer
- Daylight Dies
- Days Of Hate
- De la Tierra
- De Lirium's Order
- De Vermis
- Dead Awaken
- Dead Bodies
- Dead Carnage
- Dead Conspiracy
- Dead Fetus Collection
- Dead Fish
- Dead For Days
- Dead Head
- Dead Kennedys
- Dead Man In Reno
- Dead Meat
- Dead Moon
- Dead Nature
- Dead Raven Choir
- Dead Sun
- Dead Temple
- Dead Theory
- Deadliness
- Deadly Fate
- Deadman
- Deadpan
- Deaf Indians
- Deaf Kids
- Deafening Silence
- Dealer
- Death
- Death Angel
- Death Angels
- Death Before Dishonor
- Death By Starvation
- Death By Stereo
- Death Chaos
- Death Dealers
- Death Dies
- Death Heaven
- Death Incarnate
- Death Invoker
- Death Kult
- Death Mechanism
- Death Militia
- Death n' Darkness Prevails
- Death Nöize
- Death Skull
- Death Slam
- Death Slave
- Death SS
- Death Strike
- Death Worship
- Death's Cold Wind
- Deathbringer
- Deathcharge
- Deathcrush
- Deathcult
- Deathember Flower
- Deathevoker
- Deathgeist
- Deathguy
- Deathincarnation
- Deathkin
- Deathlike Stab
- Deathmarched
- Deathmoor
- Deathonator
- Deathraiser
- Deathrashers
- Deathrow
- DeathSlaüghter
- Deathstar
- Deathstars
- Deathswarm
- Deathtomusic
- Deathtopia
- Deathwinter
- Deathwitch
- Deathxecutor
- Debauchery
- Deber
- Debodified
- Debustrol
- Decapitated
- Decatexia
- Decayed
- Decaying
- Deceased
- Decembre Noir
- Décembre Noir
- Deception
- Decibel Chaos Injection
- Decieverion
- Decimation
- Decimator
- Decomposed God
- Decomposing Serenity
- Deconformity
- Decrepisy
- Dedication
- Dedicted
- Dedringer
- Dee Dee Ramone
- Dee Snider
- Deeds of Flesh
- Deep Desolation
- Deep Memories
- Deep Purple
- Deep Vein
- Def Leppard
- Defacer
- Defacing
- Defcon One
- Defect Designer
- Defiance
- Defleshed
- Defleshed And Gutted
- Deflorace
- Defloration
- Deform
- Deformation
- Deformed
- Deformed Slut
- Deformity
- Deformity BR
- Deftones
- Deguella
- Dehumanized Behavior
- Deicide
- Deiphage
- Deisidaemonia
- Dekapited
- Delain
- Delenda Arcana
- Delicta Carnis
- Delight
- Delinkuere
- Delinquentes
- Deliverance
- Delpht
- Demencia
- Demented
- Dementia
- Dementor
- Demigod
- Demimonde
- Demise
- Demiurg
- Demogorgon
- Demolish
- Demon
- Demon Incarnate
- Demon Throne
- Demonbreed
- Demoncy
- Demoniac
- Demoniac Harvest
- Demoniac Lord
- Demonic
- Demonic Apparition
- Demonic Forest
- Demonic Hate
- Demonic Resurrection
- Demonic Slaughter
- Demonized Legion
- Demonizer
- Demonlord
- Demonomancy
- Demons & Wizards
- Demons and Wizards
- Demons Damn
- Demons Seed
- Demontuary
- Demoted
- Denial Of God
- Denial of Light
- Denied
- Denied Redemption
- Denigrare
- Denner / Shermann
- Denner's Inferno
- Dentïst
- Deny The Urge
- Departure Chandelier
- Depeche Mode
- Dependentium
- Depressed
- Depression
- Depressive Age
- Depressive Reality
- Deprived of Salvation
- Depths of Depravity
- Der Galgen
- Der Sturmer
- Der Weg einer Freiheit
- Derailed
- Deranged Insane
- Deraps
- Derek Sherinian
- Desalmado
- Desangre
- Desaster
- Desastre
- Descend into Despair
- Descending
- Descerebration
- Descerebration
- Desdominus
- Desechables
- Desecrated Dreams
- Desecrated Sphere
- Desecration
- Desecrator
- Desert
- Desert Rider
- Desgraça Eterna
- Desgraça Maldita
- Desilence
- Desire
- Desire of Pain
- Desnutrição
- Desolate
- Desolate Ways
- Desolation
- Désolation
- Desolation Angels
- Desolation Temple
- Despairation
- Desperados
- Desperate Corners
- Despised Icon
- Despite
- Destiny
- Destroyed in Seconds
- Destroyer
- Deströyer 666
- Destroyer 666
- Destroyer Attack
- Destruction
- Destructor
- Destruktor
- Desultory
- Det Gamle Besatt
- Détente
- Detention
- Determination
- Dethroned Christ
- Dethroner
- Detonator666
- Detriktuss
- Dettol
- Deus Castiga
- Deus Diabolus
- Deus em Chamas
- Deus Inversus
- Deuszebul
- Deva Noctua Entropia
- Devastação Sob Terror
- Devastación
- Devastacion
- Devastate
- Devastation
- Devastator
- Devasted
- Deventter
- Devil
- Devil Lee Rot
- Devil On Earth
- Devil You Know
- Devil's Train
- DevilDriver
- Devilish
- Devilish Era
- Devilment
- Deviser
- Devoid
- Devon
- Devotos
- Devourer
- Devouring
- Dew of Nothing
- Dew-Scented
- Dezperadoz
- DFront SA
- DGC Rarities
- Dhak
- Dhishti
- Di'Anno
- Diabállein
- Diabolic Force
- Diabolic Night
- Diabolical Funeral
- Diabolical Messiah
- Diabolical Tyrants
- Diabolicon
- Diabolique
- Diabolism
- Diabolizer
- Diabolos
- Diadema Tristis
- Diagnose
- Diagor
- Dialectic Soul
- Dialeto
- Diamond Head
- Diamond Plate
- Diary of Secrets
- Dicastro
- Dicentra
- Dicephalus
- Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
- Die Human Race
- Die My Will
- Die You
- Die Young
- Dienamic
- Dies Ater
- Dies Irae
- Dieth
- Difamator
- Difer Nom Basta
- Difuntor
- Dimentianon
- Dimicandum
- Dimmu Borgir
- Dimolasyus
- Dinnamarque
- Dio
- Dionysus
- Diphenylchloroarsine
- Dire Straits
- Dirges
- Dirkschneider
- Dirty Americans
- Dirty Grave
- Dirty Little Rabbits
- Dirty Looks
- Dirty Shirley
- Dirty Shoes
- Dirty Sound Magnet
- Disabused
- Disarm
- Disarray
- Disaster
- Disastrous Murmur
- Discarga
- Discharge
- Disciples Of Power
- Discreation
- Disentomb
- Disfigurement of Flesh
- Disfiguring The Diseased
- Disforia
- Disforme
- Disforterror
- Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration
- Disgrace And Terror
- Disgroove
- Disgust
- Disgusting Perversion
- Disharmonic Orchestra
- Disinter
- Disiplin
- Disloyal
- Dismal Lapse
- Dismata
- Dismember
- Dismorfia
- Disolvo Animus
- Disparaged
- Disphexia
- Disrotted
- Disrupt
- Disrupting
- Disruption Path
- Dissection
- Dissenter
- Dissident
- Dissimulation
- Distant Thunder
- Distort
- Distorted
- Distraught
- Distres
- Distress
- Distruzione
- Disturbed
- Divahar
- Dive In Minds
- Divine Codex
- Divine Heresy
- Divine Pain
- Divinewings
- Division Hell
- Dixie Dregs
- Dixie Heaven
- Dizikilibriu Social
- Djamblê
- Djevel
- Doble Fuerza
- Dobytci Mor
- Doctor Smoke
- Dodsfall
- Dodsferd
- Dog Fashion Disco
- Dogma
- Dogs With Jobs
- Dokken
- Dom Mjasnika
- Domains
- Domination Through Impurity
- Domine
- Dominici
- Dominion
- Dominus Ira
- Dominus Praelii
- Domus Dei Satanae
- Don Airey
- Don Broco
- Doom
- Doom Syndicate
- Doom:VS
- Doom's Day
- Doomed Serenades
- Doomentor
- Doomhammer
- Doomsday Ceremony
- Doomsday Cult
- Doomsday Hymn
- Doomshine
- Doomslaughter
- Doomster Reich
- Dör Pröfana
- Doro
- Dorsal Atlântica
- Dossiê
- Double Treat
- Doutor Jupiter
- Doutor Liu
- Down
- Down By Law
- Downhatta
- Downnever
- Downthesun
- Dowrr
- Dødsfall
- Dødsferd
- Dperd
- Dr Doom
- Dr. Gore
- Dr. Living Dead!
- Dr. Sin
- Drabataturk
- Draconian
- Draconis
- Draghoria
- Dragobrath
- Dragon Ring
- Dragonforce
- Dragongrass
- Dragonheart
- Dragonland
- Dragonlord
- Drain
- Drakher
- Drakkar
- Drakonian Age
- Drakula
- Drama
- Draugar
- Draugen
- Drawn and Quartered
- Dreaded Mortuary
- Dreadnox
- Dream Death
- Dream Evil
- Dream Overkill
- Dream Theater
- Dream Wild
- Dreamfall in Vain
- Dreams Of Nature
- Dreams Of Sanity
- Dreamtide
- Dressing Rock
- Dreven
- Drift Of Genes
- Driller Killer
- Drink From Hell
- Dripping Decay
- Dripping Rictus
- Drivin n Cryin
- Drogheda
- Droogies
- Dropkick Murphys
- Drowned
- Drudkh
- Druid Lord
- Drunemeton
- Drunkard
- Drunkards
- Drünken Bastards
- Druzhina
- Dry Aged
- Drygva
- Dschinn
- Dual Coma
- Dublin Death Patrol
- Duff McKagans Loaded
- Dulvel
- Dumblegore
- Dungeon
- Dunkell Reiter
- Duran Duran
- Dust
- Duster 69
- Dusty Old Fingers
- Dwimor
- Dyecrest
- Dying
- Dying Embrace
- Dying Fetus
- Dying Fetus
- Dying Suffocation
- Dyingbredd
- Dyingbreed
- Dynahead
- Dynasty
- Dynazty
- Dyrnwyn
- Dysanchely
- Dysasther
- Dysentery
- Dysnomia
- Eagles
- Eagles Of Death Metal
- Eart / Flying Hat Band
- Earth Crisis
- Earthless
- Ebanath
- Ebony Ark
- Ebonylake
- Echelon
- Eclipse
- Ecliptic Sunset
- Ectoplasma
- Ecuador Cadaver
- Ed Sheeran
- Edain
- Eddie Ojeda
- Eddie Vedder
- Eden
- Eden's Curse
- Edenbridge
- Edenshade
- Edge Forever
- Edge of Thorns
- Edguy
- Edu Falaschi
- Eduardo Lira
- Educated Scum
- Egocentric Molecules
- Eidolon
- Eisbrecher
- Ejecutor
- Ekpyrosis
- Ektomorf
- Ekzistencia
- El Diablo
- Elane
- Elbow Drop
- Elderblood
- Eldereon
- Eldprov
- Electric Callboy
- Electric Funeral
- Electric Mob
- Electric Poison
- Elegant Weapons
- Elegiac
- Elegy
- Eleine
- Elf
- Elffor
- Eliminator
- Elite
- Elixir
- Elizabethan Walpurga
- Ellefson Soto
- Eloy
- Eluveitie
- Elvenking
- Elvis Presley
- Elwing
- Elysium
- Em Ruínas
- Em Sinfonia
- Embalmed Soul
- Embalmed Souls
- Embalsamado
- Embolism
- Embrace Damnation
- Embrace of Thorns
- Embrional
- Embryonic Depravity
- Embryonic Devourment
- Emerald Night
- Eminence
- Eminenz
- Emme Ya
- Emortualis
- Emotion
- Emperor
- Empheris
- Empire
- Empire of Souls
- Empires Darkness
- Emptiness Soul
- Empty Grace
- Empty Tremor
- Empurios
- Empyrios
- En Declin
- En-Garde
- En-Negro
- Encéfalo
- Encoffination
- Encorion
- End Of Pipe
- Ending Quest
- Endless Gloom
- Endless Pain
- Endrah
- Endstille
- Enemynside
- Energema
- Enforced
- Enforcer
- Engaged In Mutilating
- Engenheiros do Hawaii
- English Dogs
- Engulfed
- Enigma
- Enlow
- Enmity
- Enoid
- Enquirer
- Ensepulchred
- Ensiferum
- Enslaved
- Enslavement of Beauty
- Ensoph
- Ente
- Enterro
- Enthrallment
- Enthring
- Enthroned
- Entombed
- Entombed A.D.
- Entophyte
- Entrails
- Entrospect
- Entsetzlich
- Envidia Kotxina
- Envoke
- Enxöfre
- Enygma
- Epajarjestys
- Ephel Duath
- Epica
- Epicrise
- Epidemic
- Equilibrium
- Equimanthorn
- Eradicate
- Erasy
- Ereshkigal
- Eriaminell
- Eric Clapton
- Erih
- Eros
- Erotic Gore Cunt
- Erupted Evil
- Esbbat
- Escarnium
- Escarnnia
- Escarpus
- Escombro
- Escuela Grind
- Escuridão Atordoante
- Eskröta
- Eskrota
- Esoteric
- Espíritos Impuros
- Esqarial
- Estado Revoltoso
- Estatic Fear
- Estuary Of Calamity
- Eterna
- Eternal Darkness
- Eternal Darkness DCLXVI
- Eternal Devastation
- Eternal Fall
- Eternal Gray
- Eternal Idol
- Eternal Passion
- Eternal Putrefaction
- Eternal Sacrifice
- Eternal Sex And War
- Eternal Silence
- Eternal Sin
- Eternal Solitude
- Eternal Sorrow
- Eternal Violence
- Ethel Hunter
- Ethelyn
- Ethereal Forest
- Ethereal Journey
- Ethernia
- Euroforce
- Euronymous
- Europe
- Evals Mess
- Evals Mess Project
- Evanescence
- Even Song
- Even Vast
- Everclear
- Evergrey
- Everto Signum
- Evidence
- Evidence One
- Evil
- Evil Army
- Evil Church
- Evil Conqueror
- Evil Conspiracy
- Evil Divine
- Evil Emperor
- Evil Empire
- Evil Entourage
- Evil Force
- Evil Incarnate
- Evil Invaders
- Evil Madness
- Evil Poetry
- Evil Sense
- Evil Spectrum
- Evil Whiplash
- Evilcult
- Evildead
- Evilheart
- Evilizers
- Evoked
- Evoked Curse
- Evoken
- Evoker
- Evol
- Ex Deo
- Exaltation
- Exalted
- Excalibur
- Excessum
- Excisio
- Exciter
- Excluídos
- Excommunicated
- Excomungados
- Excruciate 666
- Execrator
- Executer
- Exekrator
- Exekution
- Exempt
- Exequial
- Exequial / Umbrivago Sombrio
- Exequy
- Exesa
- Exhorder
- Exhortation
- Exhumed
- Exhumed Day
- Exhumer
- Exile
- Exiled on Earth
- Existential Animals
- Exitium
- Exmortem
- Exmortus
- Exodo
- Exodus
- Exorcist
- Exorddium
- Exordium
- Exordium Mors
- Exoskelett
- Explicit Hate
- Exploder
- Expose Your Hate
- Expresso HC
- Expulser
- Expurgo
- Expurgo
- Exquisite Pus
- Exsanguination Throne
- Exterminas
- Exterminate
- Extermination Dismemberment
- Extermínio
- Extinct Gods
- Extinction of Mankind
- Extinction Remains
- Extirpation
- Extol
- Extravaganza
- Extrema
- Extreme
- Extreme Noise Terror
- Extreme Vaginal
- Extreme Violence
- Extremely Rotten Flesh
- Exumer
- Exylle
- Eyehategod
- Eyesight
- EZ Livin'
- Ezoo
- Ezov
- F.K.Ü.
- F.O.B.
- Fabio Golfetti
- Fabulous Desaster
- Facada
- Face to Face
- Facedowninshit
- Faces of Death
- Faces of Gore
- Facing Fear
- Facinora
- Fact
- Factor Kill
- Failed Perfection
- Fairytale Abuse
- Faith No More
- Faithful Breath
- Fake Number
- Falce
- Falkenbach
- Fall of Serenity
- Fallen Angel
- Fallen Idol
- Fallujah
- Fangorn
- Fangtooth
- Fantômas
- Fanttasma
- Farmakon
- Farmer Boys
- Farscape
- Fast Evil
- Fastkill
- Fastway
- Fatal Beast
- Fatal Castration
- Fatal Embrace
- Fatal Error
- Fatal Portrait
- Fatal Recoil
- Fatal Scream
- Fatalist
- Fates Prophecy
- Fates Warning
- Fatuous Rump
- Faust
- Fausttophel
- Favna Abisal
- FB 1964
- Fear Factory
- Fear My Thoughts
- Fecalizer
- Fecaloma
- Fecifectum
- Feculent Goretomb
- Feeble Minded
- Feijão com Arroz
- Felgrave
- Felipe Andreoli
- Felony
- Fenrir
- Feraliminal Lycanthropizer
- Feretral
- Féretro
- Féretro Avernal
- Ferosity
- Ferro Ignique
- Fervent Hate
- FesterDecay
- Festerguts
- Festering
- Festival of Mutilation
- Fetal Deformity
- Fetid
- Fetid Zombie
- Feto In Fetus
- Fetocide
- Fetus In Fetu
- Fetus Slicer
- Fiaba
- Fiat Nox
- Fibroma
- Fictícios
- Fields Of Jupiter
- Fiend
- Fifth Angel
- Fight
- Fightcast
- Fil di Ferro
- Filii Nigrantium Infernalium
- Filosa
- Filthkick
- Fin
- Final Creation
- Final Dawn
- Final Holocaust
- Fingernails
- Finita
- Finntroll
- Finsterforst
- Fire Hunter
- Fire Strike
- Firefly
- Firehouse
- Firespawn
- Firewind
- First Martyr
- First Resist
- Fish
- Fist
- Fistfuck
- Fistt
- Fit For An Autopsy
- Five Finger Death Punch
- Fjörd
- Fjorsvartnir
- Flagelador
- Flagellum Dei
- Flagelo
- Flagrvm
- Flame
- Flames Of Fire
- Flamin Groovies
- Flammea
- Flammis Maledictis
- Flashover
- Flavian
- Flaying
- Flesh Engine
- Flesh Grinder
- Flesh Hunter and the Analassaulters
- Flesh Temptation
- Flesh Throne
- Fleshart
- Fleshcrawl
- Fleshgod Apocalypse
- Fleshless
- Fleshmould
- Fleshout
- Fleshripper
- Flicts
- Flotsam And Jetsam
- Flowing Tears
- Flying
- Flying Colors
- Focus
- Foetal Juice
- Foeticide
- Foghat
- Foglet
- Fogo Cruzado
- Fohatt
- Foible Instinct
- Folkheim
- Folklord
- Foo Fighters
- For All We Know
- For Those About to Brazil
- Forbidden
- Forbidden Evil
- Força Obscura
- Force Of Evil
- Forced Entry
- Forceout
- Forceps
- Foreigner
- Forest Field
- Forest Of Impaled
- Foret d'Orient
- Foretold
- Forever In Terror
- Forever Slave
- Forgot
- Forgotten
- Forgotten Boys
- Forhell
- Forkill
- Forlet Sires
- Forlis
- Forlorn Winds
- Formaline
- Fornace
- Fornicus
- Forodwaith
- Forty Deuce
- Foscor
- Fossilization
- Foudre Noire
- Foul Stench
- Foundry
- Four Year Strong
- Fourth Monarchy
- Foxx Salema
- Fozzy
- Frade Negro
- Fragile Vastness
- Fragor Austral
- Frailty
- Frank Zappa
- Franz Ferdinand
- Freakeys
- Freakhate
- Fred Mika
- Freddie Mercury
- Freddie Nelson
- Free
- Free Fall
- Freedom Call
- Freedom Hawk
- Freezing Blood
- Fresno
- Frila
- From Autumn
- From Autumn to Ashes
- From The Ashes
- From the Graves
- From The Vastland
- Front Beast
- Frost
- Frost Legion
- Frozen Blood
- Frozen Frost
- Frozen Illusion
- Frozen Ocean
- Frozen Pain
- Frozen Soul
- Frusen Tid
- Fuck Shit Up
- Fuck The Facts
- Fuelblooded
- Fulcrum Creak
- Full Strike
- Fuming Mouth
- Funebrö
- Funeraille
- Funeral
- Funeral Dusk
- Funeral Leech
- Funeral Mass
- Funeral Oration
- Funeral Procession
- Funeral Rape
- Funeral Revolt
- Funeral Sex
- Funeral Speech
- Funeral Tears
- Funeral Vomit
- Funeral War
- Funeral Winds
- Funeralis
- Funerary Bell
- Funeratus
- Funereal Moon
- Funereus
- Funeris
- Funeris Nocturnum
- Funerus
- Funesto
- Fungi
- Fungus
- Funkervogt
- Furia Louca
- Furious Barking
- Furor Volturno
- Furze
- Fuzzy Duck
- Fyrdung
- G.B.H.
- Gaahls Wyrd
- Galadriel
- Galinha Preta
- Gallo Azhuu
- Galvanizer
- Gama Bomb
- Gamma Ray
- Gammacide
- Gangrena
- Gangrena Febrosa
- Gangrena Gasosa
- Gangrenectomy
- Garage Fuzz
- Garagem Hermética
- Garbage
- Garden of Gods
- Gargoyle
- Garotos Podres
- Garrafa Vazia
- Gary Glitter
- Gary Moore
- Gary Wright
- Gaskin
- Gatecreeper
- Gates Of Holocaust
- Gates of Ishtar
- Gates of Paris
- Gauntlet's Sword
- Geezer
- Gehena
- Gehennah
- Geimhre
- Gelgamesh
- Gemini Five
- Gene Simmons
- General Surgery
- Generation Axe
- Generation Kill
- Generichrist
- Genesis
- Genitorturers
- Genocide
- Genocidio
- Genocrush Ferox
- Gentle Giant
- Geoff Tate
- Geordie
- George Kollias
- George Lynch
- Germ Bomb
- Gestos Grosseiros
- Gexerott
- Ghandi
- Ghast
- Ghost
- Ghost Bath
- Ghost Tower
- Ghoulish
- Gianluca Ferro
- Giant
- Gigantor
- Gilby Clarke
- Gillan
- Giraffe Tongue Orchestra
- Girl
- Girlschool
- Gizmachi
- Gjallarhorn
- Gjeldrune
- Gladiator
- Glass Planet
- Glenn Hughes
- Glenn Tipton
- Glock Adventure
- Gloom
- Gloria
- Gloria Perpetua
- Glorification
- Glory Hole
- Gluecifer
- Gnosis
- Gnostic
- Go Ahead and Die
- Goat Cult
- Goat Semen
- Goat Thron
- Goat Vengeance
- Goat Worship
- Goatbaphomet
- Goaten
- Goatfago
- Goatfukk
- Goatlove
- Goatoimpurity
- Goatpenis
- Goatpsalm
- Goats
- Goatsmegma
- Goblin
- God Dethroned
- God Disease
- God Forbid
- God Funeral
- God of Carnage
- God Of Lies
- God Pussy
- Godagainst
- Goddess Of Fate
- Godflesh
- Godhate
- Godhound
- Godless Rising
- Godless Truth
- Godsend
- Godsmack
- Godvlad
- Godwatt
- Going to Brazil
- Gojira
- Goldenseed
- Golgotha
- Göll
- Gollum
- Golpe De Estado
- Gomorraa
- Gomorrha
- Gonorrhea Pussy
- Gontyna Kry
- Goo Goo Dolls
- Good Charlotte
- Goodbye Harry
- Gorath
- Goratory
- Gore
- Gore Blast
- Gorefest
- Gorehog
- Gorelord
- Gorement
- Goreslut
- Gorevent
- Gorezia
- Gorgon
- Gorgoroth
- Gorguts
- Gorhoth
- Gorillaz
- Gorjeo Seglar
- Gortuary
- Gotham City
- Gothic
- Gothminister
- Gothmog
- Gotthard
- Gov't Mule
- Gov’t Mule
- Goverla
- Government Alpha
- Gower
- Graal
- Grabak
- Grade
- Graf Spee
- Grai
- Grand Belial's Key
- Grand Funk
- Grand Funk Railroad
- Grand Magus
- Grand Supreme Blood Court
- Grande Royale
- Granicus
- Grapeshot
- Grateful Dead
- Grav
- Grave
- Grave Desecrator
- Grave Digger
- GraveCoven
- Gravecrawler
- Graveland
- Graven Dusk
- Gravestone
- Graveworm
- Graveyard
- Gravy Train
- Grazed
- Great Vast Forest
- Great White
- Greedy Capitalist
- Greedy Guts
- Greeen Day
- Green Carnation
- Green Day
- Green Lung
- Green Metal
- Greifenstein
- Grenade
- Grenouer
- Greta Van Fleet
- Grey Daze
- Grey Skies Fallen
- Grey Wolf
- Grievance
- Grieving Mirth
- Griffin
- Grim Funeral
- Grim Reaper
- Grim Sköll
- Grima Morstua
- Grimlair
- Grimlet
- Grimmstine
- Grimorium Verum
- Grimwald
- Grind-O-Matic
- Grinder
- Grinders
- Grinding Reaction
- Grinned
- Grit
- Gritando HC
- Grobovaya Doska
- Grog
- Groinchurn
- Grom
- Grond
- Grondhaat
- Gross Grolland
- Grotesque
- Grotesqueries
- Groza
- Gruesome Stuff Relish
- GS Truds
- Gueppardo
- Guerra Total
- Guerreiros Headbangers
- Guillotine
- Guillotined
- Guilty View
- Gulag
- Gun Barrel
- Gunfire
- Guns n' Roses
- Guro
- Gustavo Carmo
- Gutalax
- Gutslit
- Gutted Souls
- Guttural Engorgement
- Gutvoid
- Gutwrench
- Gwar
- Gyötrelem
- H-Bomb
- H.E.A.T
- H8 Inc.
- Haatstrijd
- Haborym
- Haboryn
- Hacavitz
- Hades
- Hades Almighty
- Hadez
- Hadit
- Haemophagus
- Haemorrhage
- Haemorrhagic Diarrhea
- Haeresiarchs Of Dis
- Hag
- Hagbard
- Hagel
- Haggard
- Hagl
- Hail of Bullets
- Häive
- Hak-Ed Damm
- Haken
- Halberd
- Halestorm
- Halford
- Hällas
- Hallows Eve
- Halo Of Flys
- Halphas
- Hämatom
- Hamen
- Hammathaz
- Hammer Of Damnation Records
- Hammerfall
- Hammergoat
- Hammerhead
- Hammerhead Blues
- Hammers Rule
- Hammerstorm
- Hammerwhore
- Hammurabi
- Hand Of God
- Hands of Orlac
- Hangar
- Hangar
- Hanged Ghost
- Hanker
- Hansen & Friends
- Hansen and Friends
- Harakiri
- Harakiri for the Sky
- Hardballz
- Hardcore
- Hardcore Superstar
- Hardegon
- Hardstuff
- Hargonath
- Hargos
- Harkonen
- Harlots
- Harlott
- Harmony Dies
- Harmony Fault
- Harpago
- Harpagos
- Harppia
- Hartmann
- Harvist
- Harza
- Haspyd
- Hass
- Hasserben
- Hate
- Hate Beyond
- Hate By Hate
- Hate Embrace
- Hate Eternal
- Hate Forest
- Hate Handles
- Hate Orgasm
- Hate Them All
- Hatebreed
- Hateful Abandon
- Hateful Agony
- Hatefulmurder
- Hatematter
- HatePlow
- Hatestorm
- Hatework
- Hatriot
- Haunted Sanity
- Hauser
- Havayoth
- Have Mercy
- Havoc
- Havohej
- Havok
- Havok 666
- Hawaii
- Hawk
- Hawkwind
- Hazy Hamlet
- Hazzerd
- Head Cleaner
- Head Krusher
- Headbanger
- Headcat
- Headhunter
- Headhunter D.C.
- Headline
- Headmeat
- Headthrashers
- Hearse
- Heart
- Heart Attack
- Heartsick
- Heathen
- Heathen Circle Compilation Volume 3
- Heathenspawn
- Heavatar
- Heaven & Hell
- Heaven Shall Burn
- Heaven´s Guardian
- Heaven's Cry
- Heaven's Guardian
- Heavenless
- Heavenly
- Heavenly Kingdom
- Heavenside
- Heaviest
- Heavy 25 anos
- Heavy Feather
- Heavy Lord
- Heavy Metal Addicted
- Heavy Metal Eruption
- Heavy Water
- Hecate
- Hecate Enthroned
- Hecatomb
- Hegemoon
- Heia
- Héia
- Heidenland
- Heidenreich
- Heidevolk
- Heilnoz
- Heinous
- Hekseri
- Helcaraxe
- Helde
- Heldentod
- Helix
- Hell Abyss
- Hell Fury
- Hell Gun
- Hell Konfessor
- Hell Militia
- Hell on Earth
- Hell Poemer
- Hell Poison
- Hell Reaper
- Hell-Born
- Hell:on
- Hell's Coronation
- Hell's Punch
- Hellacaust
- Hellbangers
- Hellblood
- Hellbound
- Hellbringer
- Hellfire
- Hellfire B.C.
- Hellhammer
- Hellhoundz
- Hellish Grave
- Hellish War
- Hellishkiller
- Hellishthrone
- Hellkommander
- HellLight
- Hellmidian
- Hellmouth
- Helloween
- Hellpath
- Hellripper
- Hellryder
- Hells Ambassador
- Hells Belles
- Hells Veins
- Hellsakura
- Hellsaw
- Hellscourge
- Hellskitchen
- Hellspawn
- Hellvetron
- Hellwaffe
- Hellway Train
- Hellwitch
- Helmsplitter
- Helstar
- Helvellyn
- Helvetes Jävla Skit
- Helvetin Viemärit
- Hemlock
- Henceforth
- Henosis
- Henry Kane
- Heptah
- Herege
- Heretic
- Heretic Execution
- Heretic Soul
- Hereticae
- Heretical
- Hereticum
- Heretoir
- Hereza
- Heritage
- Herman Frank
- Herxsebets
- Hesperia
- Hestia
- Hetroertzen
- Heulend Horn
- Hevilan
- Hevo84
- Hexenbrett
- Hexenizer
- Hexenwald
- Hibria
- Hicsos
- Hidden
- Hideous Corpse
- Hideous Monarch
- Hierarchical Punishment
- Hiereus
- Hill of the Dead
- Himinbjorg
- Hipermenorrea
- Hiraeth
- Hirax
- Hittman
- Hive
- Hjelvik
- Hoistway
- Holder
- Hollenthon
- Hollowmind
- Hollywood Monsters
- Hollywood Roses
- Hollywood Vampires
- Holocaust
- Holocausto
- Holocausto Canibal
- Holocausto War Metal
- Holocaustum
- Holy Death
- Holy Grail
- Holy Moses
- Home Style Surgery
- Homicide
- Homicide Hagridden
- Honor
- Honoris
- Hooded Menace
- Hope
- Horace Green
- Horda 666
- Horda Profana
- Hordagaard
- Horde Of Hel
- Horde of Worms
- Hordes of Decay
- Hordes of the Lunar Eclipse
- Horizon Ignited
- Horna
- Horned God
- Horns
- Horrendous Grindcore (Freak Compilation)
- Horrendum Vermis
- Horrid
- Horror Chamber
- Horror God
- Horror On Black Heels
- Horroraiser
- Horrorscope
- Host
- Hostile Inc.
- Hot Breath
- Hoth
- House Of Lords
- Howling in the Fog
- Hrizg
- Hrossharsgrani
- Huey
- Hugo
- Hugo Mariutti
- Hulder
- Human
- Human Abasement
- Human Clay
- Human Enslavement
- Human Fortress
- Human Prey
- Human Repugnance
- Humanity Delete
- Humble Pie
- Humuboros
- Humugur
- Huoripukki
- Hura Crepitans
- Hurricane
- Hurry Up
- Hurusoma
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hyades
- Hybreed Chaos
- Hybrid Viscery
- Hyde Abbey
- Hyems
- Hyena
- Hylidae
- Hymen Holocaust
- Hymen Of Darkness
- Hyperborean
- Hyperborean Frost
- Hyperemesis
- Hypnosia
- Hypnotic
- Hypocrisy
- Hypokras
- Hysterica
- I
- I Compagni di Baal
- I Miti Eterni
- I Shit On Your Face
- I.N.R.I
- Iad
- Ian Anderson
- Ian Gillan
- Ian Gillan & Tony Iommi
- Ian Gillan and The Javelins
- Ian Parry
- Ibaraki
- Iberian Wolves
- Ice Dragon
- Iced Earth
- Icon
- Icon Of Evil
- Id.E.N.
- Idis Örlög
- Ieschure
- Igni
- Ignis Fatuus
- Ignis Haereticum
- Ignite
- Ignited
- Ignition
- Ignitor
- Ignominia
- Ignominious Incarceration
- Igorrr
- Ildhur
- Ildjarn
- Ill Ninõ
- Ill Niño
- Illum Adora
- Iluminato
- Imagery
- Imagine Dragons
- Imago Imperii
- Imago Mortis
- Imbroglio
- Imminence
- Imminent Attack
- Imminent Doom
- Imminentchaos
- Immolation
- Immortal
- Immortal Remains
- Immured
- Imortal Perséfone
- Impaled
- Impaled Nazarene
- Impaler
- Impaler Of Pest
- Impellitteri
- Impending Rot
- Imperador Belial
- Imperfect Souls
- Imperia
- Imperial Baphomet
- Imperial Sodomy
- Imperial Tyrants
- Imperial Vengeance
- Imperio Nocturno
- Imperious Malevolence
- Imperium Dekadenz
- Imperium Infernale
- Imperius Profanus
- Impetigo
- Impetuoso Desdém
- Impetus Maleficum
- Impetus Malignum
- Impiedoso
- Impiety
- Ímpios
- Impious Havoc
- Imprecation
- Impure Declaration
- Impure Essence
- Impurity
- In Absenthia
- In Aeternum
- In Battle
- In Element
- In Extremo
- In Flames
- In Hell
- In League with Satan
- In Malice's Wake
- In Memory
- In Mortis Veritas
- In No Sense
- In Nomine Belialis
- In Nomine Satanis
- In Pain
- In Solitude
- In Soulitary
- In Tha Umbra
- In The Burial
- In The Name
- In the Wood
- In The Woods
- In Torment
- In Utero Cannibalism
- Inallsenses
- Inbreeding Sick
- Incantation
- Incarceration
- Incarnated
- Incarnum
- Incidamus
- Incinerating Prophecies
- Incite
- Inciter
- Incognosci
- Incrédulos Herege
- Incriminated
- Incubator
- Incubus
- Indecadence
- Induction
- Indungeon
- Industrial Noise
- Inedia
- Inepsy
- Inexist
- Inexistência
- Inextremis
- Infamous Glory
- Infect Propaganda
- Infected
- Infected Malignity
- Infected Sphere
- Infector
- Infector Cell
- Infects Humanity
- Inferis
- Inferius Torment
- Infernal
- Infernal Angels
- Infernal Ascension
- Infernal Course
- Infernal Curse
- Infernal Doom
- Infernal Execrator
- Infernal Goat
- Infernal Hate
- Infernal Inquisition
- Infernal Kult Sadomaniac
- Infernal Legion
- Infernal Majesty
- Infernal War 666
- Infernalis Irae
- Infernize
- Infernizer
- Inferno
- Inferno Nuclear
- Inferno Virtue
- Infernus
- Infernus Serpest
- Inferus
- Infest
- Infested
- Infested Blood
- Infidel
- Infinien
- Infinite Dreams
- Infinite Hatred
- Infinitum Obscure
- Infinity
- Influenza Harlekin
- Inglorious
- Ingrimm
- Ingrowing
- Inhein
- Inhottavuus
- Inhuman
- Inhuman Condition
- Inhuman Nature
- Inhuman Obsessed
- Inhuman Rites
- Inhumano
- Inhumate
- Initiation
- Injury Deepen
- Inluzt
- Inner Darkness
- Inner Hate
- Inner Missing
- Inner Violence
- Innerself
- Inocentes
- Inoculation
- Inorbito
- Inquisição
- Inquisicion
- Inquisition
- Inri
- Inrisório
- Insaintfication
- Insane
- Insane Devotion
- Insaniae
- Insanitears
- Insanity
- Insecticide
- Insepsy
- Inside Hatred
- Insidious
- Insidious Disease
- Insidius Infernus
- Insision
- Insolitum
- Insomnium
- Instinct
- Instorm
- Insulter
- Intense Manner Of Living
- Interceptor
- Intestinal Disgorge
- Intestinal Hex
- Intestinal Infection
- Into Coffin
- Into Dagorlad
- Into The Cave
- Into The Darkness My Destiny
- Into the Dust
- Into The Gore
- Intoxicated Blood
- Intra Spelaeum
- Intrinsic
- Introrectalgestation
- Introspective
- Intruder
- Inventtor
- Invernal Noctambular
- Inverted
- Inverto o Unigênito
- Invisible Control
- Invocation Spells
- Invokaos
- Iommi
- Iracundo
- Irae
- Irdorath
- Ireful
- Iron Allies
- Iron Angel
- Iron Bastard
- Iron Butterfly
- Iron Curtain
- Iron Fire
- Iron Fist
- Iron Maiden
- Iron Mask
- Iron Rage
- Iron Savior
- Iron Slaught
- Iron Spell
- Iron Woods
- Irritate
- Isengard
- Isfet
- Ìsinkú
- Iskon
- Ismark
- Isolated
- Istengoat
- Istidraj
- Isvind
- It's All Red
- Iwokk
- Izegrim
- Izmoroz
- Jacau
- Jack
- Jack Slamer
- Jack Starr
- Jack Starr's Burning Starr
- Jackal
- JackDevil
- Jacobs Dream
- Jaeder Menossi Interestellar Experience
- Jag Panzer
- Jaguar
- James LaBrie
- Jamz
- Jane's Addiction
- Janes Addiction
- Jani Lane
- Janis Joplin
- Jar
- Jaya
- Jeff Scott Soto
- Jefferson Airplane
- Jelusick
- JesusMartyr
- Jethro Tull
- Jimi Hendrix
- Jimi Jamison
- Jinjer
- JK Northrup
- Joan Jett
- João
- João Gordo
- Job For A Cowboy
- Jody St.
- Joe Bonamassa
- Joe Lynn Turner
- Joe Satriani
- Joel Hoekstra's 13
- Joël Hoekstra's 13
- Joey Summer
- John Arch
- John Diva and The Rockets of Love
- John Elefante
- John Lodge
- John Squire
- John Wetton
- Johnny Cash
- Jon Anderson
- Jon Lord
- Jon Oliva's Pain
- Jordan Rudess
- Jorn
- Journey
- Journey
- Joy Division
- JPI Vio-Lens Kommand
- Judas Iscariot
- Judas Priest
- Jungle Rot
- JuniorDC
- Jupiterian
- Justabeli
- Justiceiro
- Justicia Inmoral
- Kaamos
- Kaapora
- Kadath
- Kadavar
- Kadaverdisciplin
- Kadaverficker
- Kadois
- Kafka
- Kaiju
- Kairos
- Kaisas
- Kaledon
- Kalevala
- Kali Yuga
- Kalibas
- Kalibur
- Kalot Enbolot
- Kamala
- Kamelot
- Kamikaze
- Kamlath
- Kampfar
- Kansas
- Kanvass
- Kaoll
- Kaos 64
- Kaoscentrica
- Kappa Crucis
- Karaczun
- Karg
- Kari Rueslatten
- Kari Rueslåtten
- Karisma
- Karma to Burn
- Karmakanic
- Karmanjaka
- Karne
- Karne Krua
- Karpathia
- Kasbeel
- Kastiphas
- Kataklysm
- Kataplexis
- Katatonia
- Katavasia
- Kate´s Acid
- Katharos XIII
- Katra
- Kattah
- Kavla
- Kawir
- Kee of Hearts
- Keel
- Keep of Kalessin
- Keith Richards
- Keitzer
- Kemerov
- Ken Hensley
- Kenaz
- Kernunna
- Kerry King
- Ketelens' Brukke
- Keter
- Kevlar Skin
- Key of Salomon
- Khaos Aeon
- Khaos Order
- Khaotic
- Khemmis
- Khephra
- Khnuth
- Khold
- Khors
- Khren
- Khristenn Corpse
- Khrophus
- Kick Axe
- Kid Wikkid
- Kieltolaki
- Kiko Loureiro
- Kiko Shred
- Kill
- Kill By Numbers
- Kill Mister
- Killbite
- Killchain
- Killer
- Killer Be Killed
- Killers
- Killgasm
- Killi
- Killing Chainsaw
- Killing Joke
- Killing Spree
- KillMister
- Killswitch Engage
- Killus
- Kilte
- Kimball Jamison
- Kinetic
- King
- King Bird
- King Crimson
- King Diamond
- King Fear
- King Kobra
- King of Bones
- King of Salem
- King Witch
- Kingdom
- Kingdom Come
- Kirchenbrand
- Kiss
- Kissin Dynamite
- Kittie
- KK's Priest
- Klandestyn
- Klver
- Knell
- Koan
- Kobalto
- Kobold
- KoenigsGrab
- Koffin
- Koldborn
- Kombat
- Kommando Baphomet
- Kontusion
- Kordak
- Korihor
- Korium
- Korn
- Korovakill
- Korpiklaani
- Korrodead
- Korvak
- Korzus
- Kosmus
- Kot-Bayun
- Kotipelto
- Kozeljnik
- Kraptor
- Kratherion
- Kreator
- Kremate
- Krenak
- Krieg
- Krieg Filosophy
- Krigere Wolf
- Krisiun
- Krokus
- Kroll
- Kromorth
- Kronin
- Krotchripper
- Krovavyi Reef
- Krow
- Kröwnn
- Krowos
- Krucipha
- Krudo
- Krueger
- Krusader
- Kryour
- Krypthall
- Kryptos
- Kryst the Conqueror
- Ktaagar
- Kuazar
- Kublai Khan
- Kult
- Kult Of Taurus
- Kult Ov Azazel
- Kultist
- Kulto Maldito
- Kurgaall
- Kursed
- Kuturlat
- Kvaen
- Kvasir
- Kvoteringen
- Kylesa
- L.A. Guns
- L.R.S.
- La Manada
- La Sangria
- Lääz Rockit
- Lábar'Oculto
- Labatut
- Labore Lunae
- Labÿrinth
- Labyrinth Spell
- Lacerated and Carbonized
- Lacerta
- Lack of Truth
- Laconist
- Lacrimae
- Lacrimas Profundere
- Lacrimosa
- Lacuna Coil
- Ladushka
- Laethora
- Lair
- Lake & Palmer
- Lake Of Tears
- Lalssu
- Lamazuus
- Lamb of God
- Lamentation
- Lamentos
- Lammashta
- Lana Lane
- Lancer
- Land Of Fog
- Land Of Hate
- Land Of Tears
- Landforge
- Lani
- Lanzer
- Lápide
- Lapsus Dei
- Lärm
- Larmbelastigung
- Las Cruces
- Lascowiec
- Last In Line
- Last Joker
- Last Legion
- Last Sigh
- Laster
- Lástima
- Law of Contagion
- Lawnmower Deth
- Lay Down Rotten
- Lazy Man's Load
- Le Chant Noir
- Le Tigre
- Lea Hart
- Leadhaze
- Leash Law
- Leather
- Leathermask
- Leatherwolf
- Leaves Eyes
- Lebensessenz
- Lecher
- Led Zeppelin
- Lee Aaron
- Lee Recorda
- Leeway
- Left Front
- Legacy
- Legacy of Emptiness
- Legacy of Kain
- Legacy of the Dead
- Legalized Murder
- Legend
- Legenda
- Legião Urbana
- Legio Inferi
- Legion
- Legion Of Sadism
- Legion Of The Damned
- Legiones Del Pantano
- Lei Seca
- Lelantos
- Lendas Ocultas
- Leng Tch'e
- Leonard Cohen
- Lepra (BR)
- Lepra (HUN)
- Leprophiliac
- Leprous
- Leprous Soul
- Leroy
- Les Mémoires Fall
- Lessman/ Voss
- Letalis
- Letall
- Letargo
- Lethal
- Lethal Charge
- Lethal Dose
- Lethal Fear
- Lethargia
- Levellers
- Leviaethan
- Leviathan
- Liam Gallagher
- Liar Symphony
- Lick My Scars
- Licorgasmalcoolatra 39%
- Lid
- Liege Lord
- Life Of Agony
- Lifeless
- Liférika
- Ligature Wound
- Light of Dark
- Light The Torch
- Light This City
- Lik
- Limp Bizkit
- Lince
- Lincoln Love Log
- Lindemann
- Lingua Mortis Orchestra
- Linkin Park
- Lion Heart
- Lionheart
- Lions Breed
- Lions Pride
- Lipstixx N Bulletz
- Liquid Graveyard
- Liquido
- Lita Ford
- Litmus
- Litosth
- Liträo
- Little Dead Bertha
- Litvintroll
- Liv Kristine
- Live
- Living Colour
- Living Death
- Living Metal
- Living Sacrifice
- Lixomania
- Lizzy Borden
- Lloth
- Lo-Fi
- Lobotomia
- Lobotomy
- Lock Up
- Lockdown
- Locus Amoenus
- Loits
- Lonewolf
- Long Distance Calling
- Lord
- Lord Agheros
- Lord Amoth
- Lord Andras Horde
- Lord Baal
- Lord Belial
- Lord Blasphemate
- Lord Blasphemy
- Lord Of Depression
- Lord Of The Lost
- Lord Paymon
- Lord Satanael
- Lord Satanaquia
- Lord Vampyr
- Lordamor
- Lordi
- Lords of Aesir
- Lords Of Black
- Lorna Shore
- Los Crudos
- Losna
- Lost Dreams
- Lost Graveyard
- Lost In Hate
- Lost In The Shadows
- Lost in Wonders
- Lost Life
- Lost Society
- Lothlöryen
- Lou Cyfer
- Lou Reed
- Loudblast
- Louder than Hell
- Loudness
- Lovebites
- Lovell's Blade
- Low Levels of Serotonin
- Low Twelve
- Loxley
- Lua de Plutão
- Luca Turilli's Dreamquest
- Luca Turillis Rhapsody
- Luce d'Inverno
- Lucera
- Lucifer
- Lucifer D. Larynx
- Lucifer Was
- Lucifer's Child
- Lucifer's Children
- Lucifer's Friend
- Luciferian Blood
- Luciferian Rites
- Luciferiano
- Lucifugum
- Lucky Bastardz
- Luctus
- Lucy
- Lugburz
- Lugh
- Lugubra
- Lugubria
- Luis Mariutti
- Lullaby
- Lullacry
- Lumina Project
- Lunaris
- Lunarsea
- Lunatics Without Skateboards Inc.
- Lusferus
- Lustfer
- Lustful
- Lutavierje
- Lutemkrat
- Lutharo
- Luvart
- Lux Aterna
- Lux Ferre
- Luxúria De Lillith
- Lvzbel
- Lycanthrophy
- Lycanthropy
- Lycanthropy's Spell
- Lykaionas
- Lymphatic Phlegm
- Lynch Mob
- Lynx
- Lynyrd Skynyrd
- Lys Aeon
- Lyzanxia
- M-19
- M-pire of Evil
- M.A.D.
- M.D.K.
- Macabra
- Macabre
- Macabro Genocidio
- Mace
- Machescazo
- Machetazo
- Machinaria
- Machine Head
- Macropsia
- Mácula
- Maculator
- Mad Butcher
- Mad Dragzter
- Mad Mamba
- Mad Max
- Mad Roulette
- Madball
- MadDög
- Made In Brazil
- Made of Stone
- Madgator
- Madison
- Madkill
- Madness
- Madrigal
- Maelström
- Maerormid
- Mães Morrendo
- Maestrick
- Maggot Shoes
- Maggots
- Maggoty Corpse
- Magguts
- Magister Dixit
- Magistral Flatulences
- Magnanimus
- Magnum
- Magnum Opus
- Mahdyhell
- Maidavale
- Maiden Family Tree
- Maineeaxe
- Majestic Downfall
- Majestica
- Majesty Of Revival
- Malaflame
- Malamor
- Malamorte
- Malauriu
- Maldita Ambição
- Male Misandria
- Malediction
- Malediction 666
- Maledictive Pigs
- Malefactor
- Malefic Horde
- Malefic Order
- Maleficarum
- Maléfice
- Malepeste
- Malevolent Creation
- Malice
- Malichor
- Malignant Defecation
- Malignitude
- Malignum
- Malkuth
- Malleus
- Malvada
- Malveillance
- Mammoth
- Mammoth WVH
- Mamonas Assassinas
- Manatark
- Mandatory
- Mandrosys
- Manegarm
- Månegarm
- Manger Cadavre?
- Mangled
- Maniac
- Maniac Butcher
- Maniaco
- Maniak
- Manilla Road
- Maninnya Blade
- Manipulated Slaves
- Mankindend
- Manngard
- Manowar
- Mantak
- Mantar
- Manticora
- Manticore
- Mantus
- Manu Littiéry
- Manzer
- Maplerun
- Marauder
- Marc Ferrari
- Marcelo Nova
- March Of Hate
- Marchafunebre
- Marduk
- Mare Erythraeum
- Marenna
- Marillion
- Marilyn Manson
- Marius Danielsen's Legend of Valley Doom
- Maroon 5
- Marreta
- Marshall Law
- Marta Gabriel
- Martiria
- Marty Friedman
- Martyr
- Martyrdom
- Martyrvore
- Masacre
- Masada
- Masher
- Masi
- Masmorra
- Masqued
- Masquerade
- Mass Infection
- Mass Insanity
- Mass Murder
- Mass Murder Messiah
- Mass of Shit
- Massacra
- Massacre
- Massakre
- Massgrav
- Massive Assault
- Massive Power
- Massmurder
- Mastemath
- Master
- Master of Cruelty
- Master's Call
- Masterplan
- Mastic Scum
- Mastifal
- Mastodon
- Masturbation with the Bible
- Masturbator
- Mat Sinner
- Mata Borrão
- Matanza
- Matanza Inc
- Matanza Inc.
- Matricidium
- Mausoleum
- Maverick
- Mayan
- Mayhem
- Maze of Terror
- Mazikeen
- McFly
- MDC - Magnus Dominus Corpus
- Meatknife
- Mechanikill
- Medicine Death
- Medieval Steel
- Medjay
- Medo
- Medusa
- Medusa Trio
- Megadeth
- Megahertz
- Megaherz
- Megascavenger
- Megasonic
- Megatherio
- Megathrash
- Megiddo
- Meia Noite
- Mekong Delta
- Meldrum
- Melencoliam
- Meliah Rage
- Melissa
- Mellowtoy
- Memento Mori
- Memento Waltz
- Memorial
- Memoriam
- Memórias Póstumas
- Memory Garden
- Mental Alteration
- Mental Horror
- Mental Illness
- Mentalist
- Mentally Defiled
- Mephisto
- Mephistopheles
- Mephitic Grave
- Mercenary
- Merciless
- Merciless Crucifixion
- Mercy Killing
- Mercy's Dirge
- Mercyful Fate
- Merda
- Merknet
- Mesemon Ecrof
- Meshuggah
- Mesmerize
- Mesocranio
- Mesrine
- Mèsse
- Messiah
- Messiah Force
- Messiah's Kiss
- Metacrose
- Metal Allegiance
- Metal Church
- Metal Command
- Metal Crucifier
- Metal Duck
- Metal Inquisitor
- Metal Messiah
- Metal Relics
- Metal Witch
- Metalium
- Metalizer
- Metallic Crucifixion
- Metallica
- Metalmorphose
- Metaltex
- Metalucifer
- Metaluria
- Metamorphosis
- Metastasis
- Metel
- Methodic
- Metralion
- Mezzrow
- Mhönos
- Mi'gauss
- Miasthenia
- Michael Harris
- Michael Monroe
- Michael Romeo
- Michael Schenker
- Michael Schenker Fest
- Michael Schenker Group
- Michael Sweet
- Michael Thompson Band
- Mick Fleetwood and Friends
- Mickey Ratt
- Microphallus
- MidGard
- Midnight
- Midnight Callings
- Midnight Necrotomb
- Midnight Prey
- Midnight Priest
- Midnight Scream
- Midnight Sun
- Midryasi
- Mighty Goat Obscenity
- Migra Violenta
- Mike G.
- Militia
- Millenium
- Million Dollar Reload
- Millions Of Years
- Mincer
- Mincing Fury And Guttural Clamour Of Queer Decay
- Mind Odyssey
- Mind Propaganda
- Mindcrafter
- Mindflair
- Mindflow
- Mindless Sinner
- Mindrot
- Minds That Rock
- Mindtrap
- Mindwars
- Mines Of Nebula
- Minion
- Ministry
- Minor
- Minor Threat
- Miozan
- Miraculous Mule
- Mirage
- Mircalla
- Miro de Melo & Os Bregapunks
- Mirrorthrone
- Mirthless
- Misanthrope
- Misanthropic Art
- Misanthropic Triumph
- Misantropia
- Misconducters
- Misery Index
- Misery Loves Co.
- Miserycore
- Misfits
- Misha Calvin
- Miss Fortune
- Miss May I
- Missa Mortvm
- Missas Negras
- Mister Misery
- Mistreated
- Mithras
- Mithrubick
- Mitrium
- Mixomatosis
- Mjod
- Mjød
- Mob Rules
- Mofo
- Moggs Motel
- Molder
- Mollotov Attack
- Moloch
- Moloch Letalis
- Moloth
- Molphar
- Monday Riders
- Mongrel's Cross
- Monster Magnet
- Monster Truck
- Monstractor
- Monstrosity
- Monstrous
- Montanha
- Montgolfière
- Moonblood
- Moonlight
- Moonrise
- Moonrock
- Moonspell
- Moonthoth
- Moontower
- Moral Crusade
- Morality's Asylum
- Moravska Zima
- Morbid
- Morbid Angel
- Morbid Art
- Morbid Death
- Morbid Desecration
- Morbid Execution
- Morbid Funeral
- Morbid Goat Fornicator
- Morbid Macabre
- Morbid Perversion
- Morbid Reich
- Morbid Saint
- Morbid Stench
- Morbific
- Morbius
- Morbosatan
- Morbosidad
- Morbus 666
- Mordaça
- Mordant
- Mordaz
- Mordeth
- Mordhell
- Mordloch
- Mordor
- More
- Morfeus
- Morfolk
- Morgana Lefay
- Morggorm
- Morgoth
- Morgroth
- Morgue
- Morgued
- Moriar
- Moriendi
- Morifade
- Mork
- Mörk Gryning
- Mork Visdom
- Morkalv
- Morkulv
- Morodh
- Morok
- Morrah
- Morrigu
- Morrissey
- Mors In Tabula
- Mors Liturgiae
- Mort
- Morta Skuld
- Mortaes
- Mortage
- Mortal Decay
- Mortal Embodiment
- Mortal Profecia
- Mortal Torment
- Mortal Touch
- Mortal Ways
- Mortal Wish
- Mortalized
- Morte
- Morte Negra
- Mortemia
- Morterix
- Morthur
- Mortician
- Morticite
- Mortifer Rage
- Mortífera
- Mortiferum
- Mortification
- Mortificy
- Mortifilia
- Mortify
- Mortiis
- Mortjuri
- Mortofobia
- Mortovatis
- Mortualia
- Mortuary
- Mortuo
- Mortuorial Eclipse
- Mortuorio
- Mortuous
- Mortus
- Mortuum
- Mortuus Caelum
- Mortvs
- Most Precious Blood
- Mother Road
- Motherwood
- Motionless in White
- Mötley Crüe
- Moto Perpétuo
- Motor Sister
- Motorbreath
- Motorcycle Boy
- Motörhead
- Motorhead
- Mott The Hoople
- Mountain
- Mourn
- Mourners
- Mourning Dawn
- Mourning Forest
- Movarbru
- Mørk Visdom
- MP
- Mr. Big
- Mr. Myst
- Mr. Riot
- Mucopus
- Muddy Brothers
- Muggle Death Camp
- Mukeka Di Rato
- Mulk
- Municipal Waste
- Munruthel
- Muqueta Na Oreia
- Murdeath
- Murder Rape
- Murder Squad
- Murderdolls
- Murderworker
- Murdock
- Murk
- Murk Exorbitance
- Murmur
- Muse
- Mushroomhead
- Musica Diablo
- Músicas Bacanas Para Pessoas Descoladas Volume 2
- Mustang
- Mutagenic Host
- Mutantes
- Mutilated Messiah
- Mutilator
- Muzzarelas
- MX
- My Absence By Now
- My Chemical Romance
- My Darkest Hate
- My Dying Bride
- My Fallen Father
- My Fate
- My Minds Mine
- My Own Lies
- My Ruin
- My Solid Ground
- My Threnody
- Mydra
- Myndsnare
- Myrath
- Myrkgand
- Myrknetsferd
- Myrkvids Draumar
- Mystagog
- Mysteriis
- Mystery
- Mystery Blue
- Mystes
- Mystherium
- Mystic Circle
- Mystic Prophecy
- Mystic Shadows
- Mystical Fire
- Mysticism Black
- Mystifier
- Mystterra
- Myth
- Myth of a Life
- Mythological
- Mythological Cold Towers
- Mythra
- N.M.A.
- Na Sever
- Naberius
- Naberus666
- Nachtlieder
- Nachtmystium
- Nādha
- Nadimac
- Nadiwrath
- Naer Mataron
- Nafak
- Naglfar
- Nagual
- Nahash
- Nahasheol
- Nahual
- Nahum
- Nailed
- Nailed to Obscurity
- Nailgunner
- Nails
- Nak'ay
- Nalvage
- Nanowar
- Não Há Mais Volta
- Não Nasci Pra Ser Herói...
- Napalm Death
- Napalm Jazz Scream
- Narbeleth
- Narcolepsia
- Narcosis
- Narcotic Greed
- Nargaroth
- Nargothrond
- Narnia
- Nashgul
- Nashville Pussy
- Naslediye Vagantov
- Nasty Pig Dick
- Nasty Ratz
- Nasty Savage
- Nasty Surgeons
- Nasty Whores
- Natal Metal
- Natassievila
- Nathorg
- Natimorto
- Native In Black
- Nattefrost
- Natural Hate
- Naturon Demonto
- Naughty Dog
- Nauseous Surgery
- Nave Astra
- Nazarene Decomposing
- Nazareth
- Nazgul Rising
- Nazxul
- Neal Schon
- Neasit
- Nebelhexë
- Neberus 666
- Nebiros
- Neblina Suicida
- Nebrus
- Nebulah Mist
- Neck
- Neckbreaker
- Neckbreakker
- Necratal
- Necrectomy
- Necro
- Necroabortion
- Necrobiose Escrotal
- Necrobiotic
- Necroblaspheme
- Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium
- Necroccultus
- Necrocéfalo
- Necrocosm
- Necrocurse
- Necrodead
- Necrodeath
- Necrodemon
- Necrófago
- Necrofucker
- Necrogod
- Necrogosto
- Necrohunter
- Necrólisis
- Necrológio
- Necromancer
- Necromancia
- Necromandus
- Necromante
- Necromantia
- Necromantticu
- Necromass
- Necromesis
- Necromorten
- Necromutilator
- Necronoclast
- Necronomicon Beast
- Necrophagia
- Necrophagist
- Necrophago
- Necrophobic
- Necroplasma
- Necropolis
- Necropsia
- Necropsya
- Necroripper
- Necroriser
- Necrosadistic Goat Torture
- Necrosis
- Necroskinner
- Necrosound
- Necrostrigis
- Necrot
- Necrotério
- Necroticum
- Necrovomit
- Necrovomit Goat Terror
- Necrowar
- Nefarious Dusk
- NEFormat
- Negacy
- Negative Control
- Negative Gain
- Negative Vortex
- Negro Bode Terrorista
- Nehëmah
- Nehmeah
- Neid
- Neil Young
- Neil Young With Crazy Horse
- Neil Zaza
- Nekkrofuneral
- Nekrarchon
- Nekrofilth
- Nekrokult
- Nekron
- Nekros
- Nektar
- Nelchael
- Nelson
- Nem Tosco Todo E As Crianças Sem Futuro
- Neoheresy
- Nepente
- Nephastus
- Nephilim
- Nephrectomy
- Nerds Attack!
- Nergal
- Nerocapra
- Neros Benedictios
- Nervochaos
- Nervosa
- Nervous Impulse
- Neshamah
- Nest
- Nestor
- Netuno Doom
- Netzach Le - A' Arab Zaraq
- Neural Booster
- Neuro Ruptura
- Neuro-Visceral Exhumation
- Neuronia
- Neuropathia
- Neurosis
- Neuroticos
- Nevaloth
- NeverDie
- Neverland
- Neverlight Horizon
- Nevermore
- Nevid
- Nevoa
- New England
- New Horizon
- New Model Army
- New Order
- New Society Of Anarchists
- New York Against The Belzebu
- New York Dolls
- Nex
- Nexx
- Nezhegol
- Nglayat
- Nickelback
- Nicodemus
- Nidrike
- Nidsang
- Nifelheim
- Night
- Night Demon
- Night Of The World
- Night Ranger
- Night Witchcraft
- Nightblood
- Nightbreak
- Nightfall
- NightHunter
- Nightmare
- Nightmare Slaughter
- Nightrage
- Nightside Glance
- Nightwish
- Nigrae Lunam
- Nihil Domination
- Nihil Invocation
- Nihil Obstat
- Nihili Locus
- Nihilo
- Nile
- Nine Inch Nails
- Ninnghizhidda
- Nirvana
- Nitrominds
- Nivathe
- No One Gets Out Alive
- No Race
- No Raza
- No Rest
- No Sense
- No Violence
- Noala
- Nocrul
- Nocta
- Nocturn
- Nocturnal
- Nocturnal
- Nocturnal Age Records
- Nocturnal Amentia
- Nocturnal Art
- Nocturnal Blood
- Nocturnal Breed
- Nocturnal Death
- Nocturnal Fear
- Nocturnal Graves
- Nocturnal Rites
- Nocturnal Vomit
- Nocturnal Werewolf
- Nocturne
- Nocturnus
- Nocturnus AD
- Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
- Noise Against the System
- Noise Machine
- Noisehunter
- Nokturnal Frost
- Nokturnal Mortum
- Nokturne
- Nomad
- Nomades
- Nomans Land
- Nominon
- Non Opus Dei
- Noose Rot
- Nord
- Norden Light
- Nordheim
- Nordor
- Nordwind
- Norrhem
- North
- North Black
- Northdark
- Northern Plague
- Northtale
- Northward
- Nortt
- Nosce Teipsum
- Nosferatruxe
- Nosferatu
- Nossa Vingança
- Nosso Ódio Irá Atacar
- Nostalgia
- Nostradameus
- Nothing
- Nothing Sacred
- Noturnall
- Nove Mil Anjos
- Novembers Doom
- Nów
- Nox Illunis
- Nox Spiritus
- Noxis
- Nuclear Assault
- Nuclear Blast
- Nuclear Death
- Nuclëar Fröst
- Nuclearhammer
- Nudimmud
- Nueva Etica
- Nukem
- Nukke
- Numbomb
- Nunslaughter
- Nychts
- Nyctophobia
- Nyctophobic
- Nyja
- O Cúmplice
- O Mito Da Caverna
- O Progresso Da Regressão
- O Rappa
- O Terço
- Oasis
- Oath Of Cirion
- Oath to Vanquish
- Obduktion
- Obeisance
- Obitto
- Obituary
- Obliteration
- Oblivion Protocol
- Obscene Eulogy
- Obscenity
- Obscura
- Obscure Infinity
- Obscure Mind
- Obscure Relic
- Obscurity Tears
- Obscurity Vision
- Obscuro
- Obsecration
- Obsession
- Obsessör
- Obsidian Mantra
- Obskkuroeoser
- Obskure
- Obtus
- Occidens
- Occult
- Occultum
- Occultus
- Oceano
- Octagon
- October Tide
- Ocultan
- Ocultum
- Odar
- Ode Insone
- Ode Mortum
- Ode Mortvm
- Ódio ao Extremo
- Ódio Social
- Odium Hominum
- Odor Mortis
- Odour Of Death
- Of Spire & Throne
- Of the Archaengel
- Ofdrykkja
- Offal
- Offense
- Officium Triste
- Ofstingan
- Ogmias
- Ognenniy Storm
- Oitão
- Old Audrey’s Funeral
- Old Chapel
- Old Cult
- Old Man s Child
- Old Scythia
- Old Throne
- Oldlands
- Olho Seco
- Oligarquia
- Oltretomba
- Oluparún
- Omago
- Omaisuusvahinko
- Omega
- Omega Sun
- Omen
- Omfalos
- Ominous Debauch
- Omitir
- Omminous
- Omnium Gatherum
- On Crash
- On Thorns I Lay
- Ondfodt
- One Arm Away
- One Day In Pain
- One Man Army And The Undead Quartet
- One Master
- One Thousand Dead
- Onslaught
- Onward
- Open the Coffin
- Opera IX
- Opeth
- Opeth
- Ophicvs
- Ophis
- Opium
- Opposite Sides
- Optical Faze
- Opus Bélico
- Opus Dead
- Opus Funebre
- Opus Tenebrae
- Opvs Nostri
- Orang-Utan
- Orange Avenue
- Orange Goblin
- Oranssi Pazuzu
- Orategod
- Oratory
- Orbstruct
- Orchid
- Ordalie
- Ordalion
- Orden Ogan
- Order Of Tepes
- Ordinul Negru
- Ordo Caper
- Ordo Sanguinis Noctis
- Ordo Templi Orientis
- Ordog
- Organ Harvest
- Organic
- Orgasmo de Porco
- Orgia Nuclear
- Orianthi
- Orifice
- Origin
- Origin Of Plague
- Orkane
- Orphaned Land
- Orquidea Negra
- Orquídea Negra
- Orthanc
- Orthostat
- Os Capial
- Os Paralamas Do Sucesso
- Os Pé De Barro
- Os Pedrero
- Osamenta
- Osculum Infame
- Osculum Infame
- Osculum Obscenum
- Osobrom
- Ossuaire
- Ossuário
- Ossuary
- Otargos
- Otchłań
- Otep
- Ouija
- Out Of This World
- Outlanders
- Outlaw
- Outmask
- Outrider
- Outset
- Outspoken
- Ov Hell
- Ov Shadows
- Overdose
- Overdose Nuclear
- Overdrive
- Overkill
- Overload
- Overlord
- Overloud
- Overnoisy
- Overthrash
- Overthrow
- Overtures
- Oxidised Razor
- Oz
- Ozone
- Ozric Tentacles
- Ozzy
- Ozzy Osbourne
- P.H.O.B.O.S.
- P.O.D.
- P.T.E. Order
- P.U.S.
- Paarthurnax
- Pact
- Pactum
- Pagan
- Pagan Flame
- Pagan Forest
- Pagan Hellfire
- Pagan Reign
- Pagan Rites
- Pagan Spirit
- Pagan Throne
- Paganfire
- Paganini
- Paganizer
- Paganland
- Paganos
- Paganus Doctrina
- Pagapu
- Pain
- Pain of Salvation
- Pain of Soul
- Painmuseum
- Paladin
- Pallbearer
- Pancreatite Noise
- Pandemia
- Pandemic Outbreak
- Pandemmy
- Pandemonium
- Pandora
- Panic
- Panic! At The Disco
- Pankreatite Necro Hemorragica
- Pantáculo Místico
- Pantáculo Mistico
- Pantera
- Pantheon I
- Panychida
- Panzer
- Panzerfaust
- Papa Necrose
- Papa Roach
- Pappa Nikolau
- Para Incomodar
- Para Tu Eterno
- Paradise In Flames
- Paradise Lost
- Paradox
- Paragon
- Paragon Zero
- Paragonia
- Paramore
- Parannoia
- Paranoia Inducta
- Paranoid
- Paranoid Existence
- Parasital Existence
- Parental Advisory
- Pariah
- Parkinson D.C.
- Parom
- Parricide
- Passengers in Panic
- Pastore
- Pat Benatar
- Patek XIII
- Pathetic
- Pathogen
- Pathologist
- Pathology
- Pathos
- Paths Of Possession
- Patria
- Patriarchs In Black
- Patrulha do Espaço
- Paul Di Anno
- Paul Di'anno's Battlezone
- Paul Di'Anno's Warhorse
- Paul Gilbert
- Paul McCartney
- Paul Neathery
- Paul Stanley
- Pauline Gillan Band
- Paura
- Payback
- Payout
- Pazuzu
- Pearl Jam
- Pegazus
- Peia Braba
- Pek
- Penetration
- Penetrator
- Penitência
- Pennywise
- Pentacrostic
- Pentagram
- Pentagram Chile
- Pentesilea Road
- Perception
- Percival Schuttenbach
- Perdition
- Perfect Plan
- Perfidious
- Periferia S.A
- Perishing Humanity
- Peristaltic Movement
- Permanent Midnight
- Perpetual Disgrace
- Perpetual Dusk
- Perpetual Etude
- Perpetual Fire
- Perpetuam
- Perpetuum
- Persecuter
- Persevera
- Persian Risk
- Persuader
- Perunwit
- Pervencer
- Perverse Monastyr
- Perversion
- Perversist
- Perversor
- Pescado Rabioso
- Pessimista
- Pest
- Pesta
- Pesticide
- Pestilence
- Pestilência
- Pestis
- Petbrick
- Peter Criss
- Peter Gabriel
- Petrale
- Phalanx Inferno
- Phalogore
- Phantasm
- Phantasmagory
- Phantom
- Phantom Crew
- Phantom Lord
- Pharaoh
- Pharmacist
- Phenomena
- Phil Campbell
- Phil Campbell And The Bastard Sons
- Phil Rudd
- Phobophilic
- Piara Posesa
- Piarevaracien
- Picture
- Piel de Cadaver
- Pigshit
- Pigstein
- Pigsty
- Pigto
- Pile Of Corpses
- Piledriver
- Pilgrimage
- Pillorian
- Pilocystic Astrocytoma
- Pilsen Drinkers
- Pink Cream 69
- Pink Floyd
- Pirosaint
- Pissing Razors
- Pissrot
- Pistons
- Pit Passarell
- Pitch Black Forecast
- Pixies
- Place Vendome
- Placebo
- Plague
- Plague Angel
- Plague Rages
- Planet Hemp
- Plasma
- Platina
- Platoon
- Pleasure Maker
- Pleasure of Mutilate
- Plebe Rude
- Pleurisy
- Plexiheads
- Podridão
- Poem's Death
- Poema Arcanvs
- Poeticus Severus
- Pogrom
- Põhjast
- Poison
- Poison Asp
- Poison Idea
- Poisonblack
- Poisoned
- Poisonous
- Polar
- Poligon
- Poltergeist
- Polymorph
- Pombajira
- Pompa Funebris
- Poobah
- Pop Javali
- Poppy Seed Grinder
- Poprava
- Popravčí Vrch
- Porcupine Tree
- Pornocaust
- Porta Daemonium
- Portrait
- Poseidon
- Posithrone
- Possessed
- Posthuman Tantra
- Posthumous
- Posthumous Blasphemer
- Postmortem
- Postmortem Inc
- Postmorten
- Postumo Lumbre
- Poverty's No Crime
- Power From Hell
- Power Paladin
- Power Symphony
- Powerfull
- Powergod
- Powertrip
- Powerwolf
- Praesepe
- Praga
- Pralaya
- Prarod
- Praselizer
- Praying Mantis
- Preceptor
- Precipitation
- Predator
- Predatory
- Predatory Violence
- Preguh
- Prellude
- Preludium
- Premiata Forneria Marconi
- Presagio
- Presto?
- Pretenders
- Pretty Maids
- Preyer
- Pride of Lions
- Primal Dawn
- Primal Fear
- Primal Rage
- Primal Rock Rebellion
- Primate
- Prime Evil
- Primeval Mass
- Priming Pressure
- Primitivo
- Primordial
- Primordial Idol
- Primordium
- Prion DC
- Pristine
- Privilege Of Approval
- Pro-Pain
- Procession
- Processor
- Proclamation
- Profanação na Floresta
- Profanal
- Profanatic Lust
- Profanatica
- Profanator
- Profane Anger
- Profane Creation
- Profane Souls
- Profane War
- Profanity
- Profezia
- Prohod
- Project K
- Project Pitchfork
- Project46
- Projekt Nebelkrähe
- Projeto Peixe Morto
- Promethean Gate
- Prong
- Pronoia
- Propaganda
- Prophets of Rage
- Prosatanos
- Prostitute Disfigurement
- Protected Illusion
- Protector
- Protest
- Provocation
- Provocator
- Prowler
- Pseudostratiffied Epithelium
- Psicorragia
- Psicovomitosis Sadinecrootitis
- Psychic Possessor
- Psycho
- Psychobolia
- Psychofagist
- Psychomancer
- Psychose
- Psychotic Eyes
- Psychotic Waltz
- Psychotomy
- Psychotron
- Pukelization
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Pulsar Colony
- Pulverized Necrobrains
- Pungent Stench
- Punho de Mahin
- Punk Rock-The Offspring/Green day
- Pure
- Pure Evil
- Pure Inc.
- Pure Noise
- Pure Sweet Hell
- Puregation
- Purgamentum
- Purgatoire
- Purgatory
- Purification
- Purifying Torture
- Purity
- Purpendicular
- Purpura Ink
- Pushing The Stone
- PussyVibes
- Pustota
- Pustulated
- Putrefaction Sets In
- Putrefuck
- Putrefy
- Putrescence
- Putrid Evil
- Putrid Inbred
- Putrid Tomb
- Putrid Torso
- Putrified J
- PxExNxE
- PxNxHx
- Pyebnt
- Pyogenesis
- Pyopoesys
- Pyöveli
- Pyphomgertum
- Pyracanda
- Pyramaze
- Pyramid
- Pyreficativm
- Pyrexia
- R.E.D.
- R.E.M
- R.U.A.
- Rabid
- Rabid Dogs
- Rabujos
- Racer Steel
- Racer X
- Rache
- Radiação Bestial
- Radical
- Radikalis Amputacio
- Radio Moscow
- Raff
- Rage
- Rage Against The Machine
- Rage in My Eyes
- Raggradarh
- Raging Speedhorn
- Raging War
- Ragnell
- Ragor
- Raimundos
- Rain Fell Within
- Rainbow
- Raiz de Pedra
- Rajavana
- Rakoth
- Ram
- Ram-Page
- Rammstein
- Ramones
- Rampancy
- Rampart
- Rancid
- Rancid Flesh
- Rancour
- Rape-X
- Raptore
- Rapture
- Rarmagom
- Rarog
- Raskat
- Rasta Knast
- Rastros De Ódio
- Ratomaniax
- Ratos De Porão
- Ratt
- Rattenkönig
- Rattus
- Raul Seixas
- Ravagar
- Ravager
- Raven
- Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle
- Ravendusk
- Ravenous Death
- Raventale
- Ravnkald
- Raw Decimating Brutality
- Rawhead Rexx
- Razor
- Razorwyre
- Re-Vision
- React
- Reaction Extasy Trance
- Reactory
- Ready To Fuck
- Realm of Carnivora
- Reattor
- Rebaelliun
- Rebel
- Rebelion
- Rebellion
- Rebirth In Flames
- Reborn in Flames
- Rebotte
- Recrucide
- Rectal Collapse
- Rectal Smegma
- Rectal Wench
- Recueil Morbide
- Red Dragon Cartel
- Red Fang
- Red Fraction
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Red Mess
- Red Razor
- Redemption
- Redrum
- Redshark
- Reece
- Reencarnación
- Reexamine
- Reffugo
- Reflection
- Regarde Les Hommes Tomber
- Regicide Decease
- Regnum Umbra Ignis
- Regorge
- Regurgitate
- Reign Of Erebus
- Reiketsu
- Reincarnation
- Reinfection
- Released Anger
- Relentless
- Relentless (AUS)
- Reliqa
- Rellik
- Remains
- Remains of Life
- Reminiscência
- Remove Silence
- Renaissance
- Renato Russo
- Renegade
- Replica
- Repossession
- Reprisal Scars
- Reptilian
- Republica
- Repúdio
- Repudiyo
- Repugnant Inebriation
- Repulsão Explícita
- Repulsive Death
- Repulsive God of Moab
- Repulsores
- Repvblika
- Requiem's Sathana
- Resilient
- Resist
- Resistance
- Ressonancia Morfica
- Restless
- Resto de Ontem
- Resurgency
- Resurrected
- Resurrection
- Resurrector
- Resurrecturis
- Retaliador / Força Macabra
- Retaliatory
- Retra
- Retro Satanic
- Reuze
- Revanger
- Revel Decay
- Revelation
- Revelations Of Rain
- Revenge
- Revenger
- Revengin
- Reverend
- Reversed
- Reviolence
- Revolting
- Revoltons
- Revolution Calling
- Revolution Saints
- Revtend
- Rex Satanachia
- RF Force
- Rhapsody
- Rhapsody of Fire
- Rhoads
- Rhûnhule
- Ribspreader
- Riccardo Linassi
- Richie Kotzen
- Ricky Warwick
- Riddle of Meander
- Riddlin 'Kids
- Ride For Revenge
- Rider
- Riff
- Riff Raff
- Righteous Fool
- Rigor Mortis
- Rigor Mortis BR
- Rigor Sardonicous
- Rigorism
- Rik Emmett & RESolution9
- Rimthurs
- Ringworm
- Riot
- Riot Act
- Riot V
- Riotor
- Ripped to Shreds
- Ripping Organs
- Rise Of The Northstar
- Rise To Remain
- Rising Crypts
- Rising Power
- Risk
- Ritual
- Ritual Combat
- Ritual Killer
- Ritual Lair
- Ritual Of Flesh
- Ritual of Odds
- Ritual Spirit
- Ritualmurder
- Rival Bones
- Rival Sons
- Rivera / Bomma
- Rivers Of Nihil
- Riverside
- Riviera Gaz
- Roadhouse
- Roadwolf
- Rob Rock
- Rob Zombie
- Robert Plant
- Rock Factory Project
- Rock Goddess
- Rocketman
- Rodogost
- Rodonitza
- Rogash
- Rogatiy Kolokol
- Rogatyj Kolokol
- Roger Miret And The Disasters
- Roger Waters
- Rolando Castello Junior
- Rolf Munkes
- Rolling Stones
- Rollins Band
- Rompeprop
- Root
- Rosa Antica
- Rosae Crucis
- Rose Rose
- Rose Tattoo
- Rosén/ Vinkeloe
- Ross The Boss
- Rossomahaar
- Rotborn
- Rotor
- Rotpeter
- Rotten Blood
- Rotten Cadaveric Execration
- Rotten Filthy
- Rotten Penetration
- Rotten Pieces
- Rotten Sound
- Rotten State
- Rottenbroth
- Rotting Christ
- Rotting Flesh
- Rotting Grave
- Rough Silk
- Roxanne
- Royal Blood
- Royal Hunt
- Royal Republic
- Rubufaso Mukufo
- Ruckus
- Ruevit
- Rufio
- Ruhmreich
- Ruido 67
- Ruin
- Ruins
- Runa
- Runemagick
- Runic
- Running Like Lions
- Running Wild
- Rupture Christ
- Rush
- Russell Allen's Atomic Soul
- Ruthless
- Ruyan
- Rvi Mekha!
- Rygel
- Ryker's
- Ryujin
- S.D.I
- S.O.D.
- S.O.S Chaos
- S.O.T.O
- S.P. Metal
- S.U.C.
- Sabacthani
- Sabathory
- Sabaton
- Sabbat (JAP)
- Sabbat (UK)
- Sabbrabells
- Sabre
- Saccage
- Sacra
- Sacramental Blood
- Sacramentia
- Sacramentum
- Sacred Few
- Sacred Oath
- Sacred Reich
- Sacred Rite
- Sacred Sin
- Sacred Steel
- Sacrifice
- Sacrificed
- Sacrificio
- Sacrifix
- Sacrilege
- Sacrimoon
- Sacristia
- Sacrosanctum
- Sad
- Sad Iron
- Sad Theory
- Sade
- Sadism
- Sadistic Drive
- Sadistic Messiah
- Sadistik Exekution
- Sadogoat
- Sadokist
- Sadom
- Sadomystic
- Sadotank
- Sadus
- Safari Hamburguers
- Safety Pins
- Sagrado Inferno
- Sahrana
- Saint Vitus
- Sainted Sinners
- Sakhet
- Sakis Tolis
- Salário Minimo
- Saliva
- Saltus
- Samael
- Samanttha
- Samgabial
- Sammath
- Sammy Hagar
- Sammy Hagar and The Circle
- Samson
- Sanatás
- Sanatörio
- Sanatorium
- Sanctifier
- Sanctiphagous
- Sanctity
- Sanctuary
- Sanctum Regnum
- Sandness
- Sangre
- Sangrena
- Sangria
- Sangue de Bode
- Sanguisugabogg
- Sanhedrin
- Sanitys Dawn
- Santarem
- Santuário
- Saor
- Saracen
- Sarcasm
- Sarcastic
- Sarcófago
- Sarcoma Inc.
- Sardonic Impious
- Sarfaust
- Sarg
- Sargatanas
- Sargeist
- Sarinvomit
- Sarkom
- Sarkrista
- Sartan
- Sascha Paeth
- Satan
- Satan's Fall
- Satan's Host
- SatanaKozel
- Satanic Assault Division
- Satanic Hammer
- Satanic Slaughter
- Satanik Deathcult
- Satanik Goat Ritual
- Satanizer
- Satans Sigh
- Satarial
- Satellite
- Satine
- Saturian
- Saturndust
- Saturnian Mist
- Saturnus
- Satyricon
- Satyricon /Enslaved
- Sauroctonos
- Sauron
- Savage
- Savage Circus
- Savage Deity
- Savage Grace
- Savage Master
- Savagez
- Savant
- Savatage
- Saxon
- Scaffold
- Scalped
- Scalpture
- Scanner
- Scar Symmetry
- Scarlet Peace
- Scars
- Scarved
- Scathing Nocturnal
- Scavenger
- Scelerata
- Scenic
- Schatten Muse
- Schipanski
- Schizoparanoic Platoon
- Schizophrenia
- School of Violence
- Scolopendra Cingulata
- Scorpion Child
- Scorpions
- Scott Stapp
- Scream King
- Scream Taker
- Screamer
- Scrupulous
- Sculpture
- Scum
- Scum Noise
- Scum Sentinel
- Scythe for Sore Eyes
- Sea of Desperation
- Sealed In Blood
- Seance
- Searing Skull
- Sebastian Bach
- Sebastian Hardie
- Second Hell
- Secos & Molhados
- Secos e Molhados
- Secret Sphere
- Secretum
- Sect
- Securitate
- Sedimentum
- Seducer
- Seeds in Barren Fields
- Seeds Of Sorrow
- Seelenmord
- Seether
- Seges Findere
- Segregación Primordial
- Segregatorum
- Sektor
- Selbstentleibung
- Selvageria
- Semblant
- Semen
- Sengaya
- Sentenced
- Sentry
- Septage
- Septic Death
- Septicflesh
- Septicopyemia
- Septuagint
- Sepulchral Voice
- Sepulchral Whore
- Sepulcro
- Sepultura
- Seraphic Disgust
- Sereignos
- Serenity In Fire
- Serious Black
- Serocs
- Serpent Coven
- Serpent Rise
- Serpent Seed
- Serpentine Dominion
- Serpentor
- Sete Star Sept
- Seth
- Seth
- Seven Spires
- Seven Witches
- Sevendust
- Seventh Sign From Heaven
- Seventh Storm
- Severance
- Severe Punishment
- Severnie Vrata
- Sex Messiah
- Sex Pistols
- Sexorcist
- Sextrash
- Shabby Trick
- Shade
- Shades of Dusk
- Shadeweaver
- Shadow Gallery
- Shadows Fall
- Shadows FX
- Shadows Hell
- Shadows Legacy
- Shadows of Sunset
- Shadowside
- Shadowspawn
- Shakra
- Shall Suffer The Eclipse
- Shaman
- Shambles
- Shape of Despair
- Shatter Messiah
- Shattered Eyes
- Shedim
- Shelter
- Shelton Chastain
- Shieldwall
- Shining
- Shining Fury
- ShitFun
- Shiva
- Shock
- Shoggots
- Show Of Bedlam
- Shroud Of Despondency
- Sick Of It All
- Sickening
- Sickening Gore
- Sickening Horror
- Sicko
- Siebenbürgen
- Siecrist
- Siege Of Hate
- Sieghetnak
- Sieghetnar
- Siegrid Ingrid
- Siena Root
- Sign of Hate
- Signs Of Darkness
- Sigvegr
- Silent Cry
- Silent Empire
- Silent Force
- Silentio Mortis
- Silver Mammoth
- Silverhead
- Simargl
- Simbiose
- Simone Simons
- Simulacra
- Sin of God
- Sinaya
- Sindrome
- Sinergy
- Sinful
- Sinister
- Sinister Realm
- Sinner
- Sinprofhecy
- Sinsaenum
- Siod
- Sir Lord Baltimore
- Sirenia
- Sisa
- Six Feet Under
- Six Point Six
- Skaza
- Skeletal Remains
- Skeletonwitch
- Skepticism
- Skid Raid
- Skid Row
- Skinlab
- Skinlepsy
- Skizoyds
- Skogr
- Skoll
- Skombrus
- Skrew
- Skull
- Skull Crusher
- Skull Fist
- Skyclad
- Skyfire
- Skyforger
- Slade
- Slag
- Slammer
- Slash
- Slaughtbbath
- Slaughter
- Slaughter House
- Slaughter Messiah
- Slaughter Messiah
- Slaughterday
- Slave Agent
- Slave Spirit
- Slave To The System
- Slavearc
- Slavery
- Slavigrom
- Slavland
- Slayer
- Sleazer
- Slipknot
- Slippery
- Slough of Despair
- Slutet
- Smash Mouth
- Smashed Face
- Smelling Fetid Corpse
- Smith / Kotzen
- Smoke
- Smothered Bowels
- Smuta
- Snakebyte
- Snet
- Snoutcrom
- Snowblind
- Sober Truth
- Social Chaos
- Social Distortion
- Social Shit
- Sociopata
- Sodom
- Sodoma
- Sodomic Baptism
- Sodomizer
- Soen
- Soil
- Soilwork
- Sol Axis
- Soldier
- Soleil Noir
- Solitude Aeturnus
- Sólstafir
- Solstice
- Solus
- Somberland
- Sombre Croisade
- Son of a Witch
- Sonata Arctica
- Sonata Artica
- Sonic Syndicate
- Sonneillon BM
- Sons of Apollo
- Sorcerer
- Sorgelig
- Sortilège
- Sotajumala
- Sotatila
- Soturno
- Soul Devourment
- Soul Fight
- Soul Massacre
- Soulburner
- Soulfly
- Soulinpain
- Soulsad
- SoulSpell
- Soulwitch
- Soulzera
- Sound Barrier
- Sound Of Memories
- Sound Your Alarm
- Soundgarden
- South American Voice
- Southern Gentlemen
- Southern Warriors Cult
- Spanish Steel Attack
- Spartan Warrior
- Spasm
- Spawn of Annihilation
- Spectral Dance
- Spectral Wound
- Spectre
- Spectrus
- Speed Kill Hate
- Speed Metal Hell
- Speed Porco
- Speedwhore
- Spell Forest
- Sperm Of Mankind
- Spermswamp
- Sperswamp
- Spider
- Spider Kickers
- Spineless Fuckers
- Spiral Guru
- Spirit Adrift
- Spirits of Fire
- Spiritual Beggars
- Spiritual Hate
- Spiritual Perversity
- Spiritwood
- Splattered Entrails
- Splattered Mermaids
- Spun in Darkness
- Spüolus
- Squares
- Squash Bowels
- Squealer
- Stahlmann
- Stallion
- Stalwart
- Star One
- Star Wars
- Starkweather
- Statetrooper
- Statue
- Statues On Fire
- Status Quo
- Stay Tuned
- Steamhammer
- Steamroller Assault
- Steel Fox
- Steel Snake
- Steelover
- Steeltower
- Steph Honde
- Stereo Nasty
- Steve Grimmett's Grim Reaper
- Steve Hackett
- Steve Harris
- Steve Howe
- Steve Perry
- Steve Ray Vaughan
- Steve Vai
- Steven Wilson
- Stickoxydal
- Stikki Fykk
- Still Loves Julia
- STN*
- Stnzr Cult
- Stomachal Corrosion
- Stone Fury
- Stone Sour
- Stone Temple Pilots
- Stonewall
- Stonewitch
- Storm
- Stormbreaker
- Stormgoat
- Stormthrash
- Stormvold
- Stormwitch
- Strana Officina
- Stranger
- Strangulation
- Strappado
- Strapping Young Lad
- Stratovarius
- Stratuz
- Stray Gods
- Streams of Blood
- Street Dogs
- Streptococcus Pyogenes
- Stress
- Strife
- Strigoi
- Strike
- Strike Master
- Striver
- Stryker
- Stryper
- STS 8 Mission
- Stubora
- Stuck Mojo
- Sturmtíger
- Stutthof
- Stygian Dark
- Styx
- Styxian Industries
- Su19b
- Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition
- Sublime With Rome
- Subliritum
- Subtera
- Subterfugio
- Suck This Punch
- Sudden Death
- Sudden Impact
- Sufferatory
- Suffocate
- Suffocation
- Suffocation of Soul
- Sugar Kane
- Sühnopfer
- Suicidal Angels
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Suicide King
- Suicide Silence
- Suicide Watch
- Suicideforce
- Suidakra
- Sulferon
- Sulphurous
- Summoning
- Summum Heredis
- Sunbomb
- Sunroad
- Sunset Boulevard
- Sunstorm
- Supared
- Superjoint Ritual
- Supertramp
- Supla
- Supreme Gore Delicatessen
- Supreme Lord
- Surgical Strike
- Surgikill
- Surra
- Survivor
- Susperia
- Suture
- Suzi Quatro
- Svalbard
- Svartby
- Svartland
- Svartskaldr
- Svarun
- Svatan
- Sventoyar
- Svlfvr
- Swallow the Sun
- Swarm of Serpents
- Swarn
- Swazafix
- Sweet
- Sweet & Lynch
- Sweet Danger
- Sweet Oblivion
- Switchblade
- Sword
- Swordmaster
- Syd Barrett
- Sylosis
- Sylvain Sylvain
- Sylvaine
- Symbols
- Symphonic Age
- Symphony Draconis
- Symphony X
- Symphorce
- Sympuls-e
- Syphilitic Abortion
- System Destroyer
- System of a Down
- System Shock
- T.N.T.
- Taake
- Taekaury
- Taiko
- Tailgunner
- Takafumi Matsubara
- Takashi
- Taking Back Sunday
- Talacactus
- Taliön
- Talisman
- Talon
- Tandra
- Tanith
- Tank
- Tankard
- Tantal
- Taphos
- Target
- Tarja
- Tarja Turunen
- Tarot
- Taurus
- Tchandala
- Te Voy A Quebrar
- Tears For Fears
- Tears From Venere
- Tears Of Mankind
- Tëaser
- Ted Nugent
- Ted Poley
- Teething
- Tellus Terror
- Temnozor
- Tempano
- Tempestilence
- Temple Abattoir
- Temple Of Brutality
- Temple Of Void
- Tempter
- Ten
- Ten Years After
- Tenebria
- Tenebrous
- Tension*
- Tentacle
- Tequila Baby
- Teratos
- Terdor
- Terminattor
- Terra Prima
- Territory
- Terror
- Terror Revolucionário
- Terror Satan
- Terrorazor
- Terrordome
- Terrörhammer
- Terrorizer
- Tesla
- Testament
- Tetractys
- Thalarion Lati
- Thanatopsis
- Thanatos
- The 1975
- The 69 Eyes
- The Abyss
- The Accüsed
- The Adicts
- The Agonist
- The Agony Scene
- The Allman Brothers Band
- The Almighty
- The Anger
- The Animals
- The Beatles
- The Black
- The Black Cold
- The Black Crowes
- The Black Dahlia Murder
- The Black Sorcery
- The Black Spade
- The Cardigans
- The Cavemanish Boys
- The Charm The Fury
- The Chasm
- The Clash
- The Color Red
- The Corrs
- The Crocodiles
- The Cross
- The Crown
- The Crucifier
- The Cult
- The Cure
- The Damnnation
- The Dark Element
- The Darkness
- The Dead Daisies
- The Defiled
- The Dissenters
- The Doobies Brothers
- The Doomsday Kingdom
- The Doors
- The Drippers
- The Earth King
- The Elysian Fields
- The Evil
- The Exploited
- The Flame
- The Flamin' Groovies
- The Flower Kings
- The Flying Eyes
- The Force
- The Gathering
- The Gems
- The Gentle Storm
- The Giant Void
- The Goo Goo Dolls
- The Graves Brothers Deluxe
- The Grindful Dead
- The Guess Who
- The Halo Effect
- The Harps
- The Haunted
- The Heavils
- The Hell
- The Hellacopters
- The Hitmen
- The Hollies
- The Hot Dogs!
- The Jesus & Mary Chain
- The Killers
- The Killing
- The Krushers
- The Kryptik
- The Last Twilight
- The Leprechaun
- The Lightbringer
- The Lust
- The Lynx
- The Meanies
- The Melendez Karma Machine
- The Michael Schenker Group
- The Mist
- The Moody Blues
- The Neal Morse Band
- The Neighbourhood
- The New Dominion
- The Night Flight Orchestra
- The Obsessed
- The Offspring
- The Ordher
- The Pineapple Thief
- The Pretty Reckless
- The Prodigy
- The Prophet
- The Quill
- The Raconteurs
- The Rasmus
- The Raveonettes
- The Rebel Riot
- The Red Death
- The Reign of Terror
- The Renegades Of Punk
- The Resistance
- The Riven
- The Rods
- The Rolling Stones
- The Royal Arch Blaspheme
- The Runaways
- The Sacred Truth
- The Sarcophagus
- The Satan's Scourge
- The Sceptic
- The Script
- The Sins of Thy Beloved
- The Sisters of Mercy
- The Skeletal
- The Slaughterhouse
- The Smashing Pumpkins
- The Spirit
- The Squares
- The Stone
- The Stoned
- The Story So Far
- The Stranglers
- The Streetwalkin' Cheetahs
- The Taciturn
- The Temple
- The Three Tremors
- The Troops Of Doom
- The True Endless
- The Unband
- The Undead Manz
- The UnhaliGäst
- The Unity
- The Varukers
- The Vintage Caravan
- The Wake
- The Walking Dead
- The Watchers
- The Waymaker
- The White Stripes
- The Who
- The Winds Of A New Millenium
- The Winery Dogs
- Theatre Of Tragedy
- Theia
- Thelemite
- Them
- Theocracy
- Therapy?
- Therion
- Thin Lizzy
- Thin White Rope
- Thine Eyes Bleed
- Thirdmoon
- Thirteenth Tambourine
- This Is A Standoff
- This or the Apocalypse
- Thokk
- Thokkian Vortex
- Thorgerd
- Thornafire
- Thorne
- Thorngoth
- Thornspawn
- Thorny Woods
- Thorzel
- Those Who Bring the Torture
- Thoth
- Thou Art Lord
- Thrasher
- Thrashera
- Thrashit
- Thrashmaniacs
- Three Lions
- Threshold
- Throne Of Ahaz
- Throne Of Chaos
- Throneum
- Thrust
- Thulcandra
- Thunderfire
- Thunderlord
- Thundermother
- Thunderstone
- Thunderstorm
- Thundra
- Thus Defiled
- Thy Antichrist
- Thy Art Is Murder
- Thy Black Blood
- Thy Catafalque
- Thy Infernal
- Thy Kingdom Ablaze
- Thy Light
- Thy Majesty
- Thy Rites
- Thy Serpent
- Thy Symphony
- Thyresis
- Tiamat
- Tierramystica
- Tiger
- Tigertailz
- Tihuana
- Till The Dirt
- Tim Donahue
- Time Requiem
- Timecode Alpha
- Timeless Necrotears
- Timo Tolkki
- Timo Tolkki's Avalon
- Timo Tolkkis Avalon
- Titan Force
- Titania
- Titãs
- Tiwaz
- Tjolgtjar
- Tnt
- To / Die / For
- To/Die/For
- Today Is The Day
- Todd La Torre
- Todtgelichter
- Toe Tag
- Tokyo Blade
- Tom Petty
- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
- Tomb Mold
- Tomb Of Love
- Tombs
- Tony Iommi
- Tony Martin
- Too Pure To Die
- Tool
- Tor Tauil
- Torch
- Tork Ran
- Torment
- Torment Grave
- Torment the Skies
- Tormenta
- Tormenting the Forgotten Tombs
- Tormento
- Tormento Bestial
- Tornado
- Torture Killer
- Torture Machine
- Torture Squad
- Torture Tomb
- Torturer
- Tosco
- Total Denial
- Totuus
- Totvm
- Touch
- Toxic Avenger
- Toxic Holocaust
- Toxic Revolution
- Toxik
- Tragacanth
- Tragedies
- Tragik
- Traidor
- Trail Of Tears
- Tramortiria
- Trance
- Trans-Siberian Orchestra
- Transatlantic
- Transgressor
- Trapeze
- Trashcan Dance
- Trator BR
- Trauma
- Treat
- Trenchwar
- Trend Kill Ghosts
- Trevor Rabin
- Trezzy
- Tribal Scream
- Tribulation
- Tribuzy
- Trioxine
- Triptykon
- Triskelyon
- Tristania
- Tristis Terminus
- Tristitia
- Triturador
- Triumph
- Triumph Genus
- Triumph Of Death
- Triumph...
- Trivium
- Tröjan
- Troll
- Troll Bends Fir
- Trollech
- Trollgrad
- Trouble
- Trovão
- Troyen
- Truculency
- True
- True Massacre
- Trust
- Tsjuder
- Tsubo
- Tsunami
- TT Quick
- Tu Carne
- Tuatha De Danann
- Tumulario
- Tümulo
- Tumulte
- Tumulto
- Tungsten
- Tupi Nambha
- Turbonegro
- Turisas
- Turnover
- Twenty One Pilots
- Twenty Sixty Six And Then
- Twilight Force
- Twin Obscenity
- Twisted Sister
- Two Old Men
- Tygers of Pan Tang
- Type O Negative
- Týr
- Tyran' Pace
- Tyrannicvs
- Tyranno
- Tyrant
- Tyrants Blood
- Tysondog
- U.D.O
- U.D.O.
- U2
- Uada
- Uganga
- Uhrit
- UK Subs
- Ulcer
- Ulfhethnar
- Uli Jon Roth
- Ultimatum
- Ultra-Violence
- Ultranova
- Ultraphonix
- Ulvdalir
- Ulver
- Umbraculum Funebris
- Umbral Dos Mártires
- Umbrarum Regni
- Umbrivago Sombrio
- Unanimated
- Unaussprechlichen Kulten
- Unbirth
- Unblooded
- Unburied
- Unclean Spirit
- Uncouth
- Uncovered For Revenge
- Uncreation
- Undeath
- Under Attack
- Under Eden
- Under The Flesh
- Undercroft
- Underdark
- Undergang
- Underground Kids
- Underneath
- Undersave
- Undertaker of the Damned
- Undertime
- Undina
- Unearth
- Unearthly
- Unfathomable Ruination -
- Unfit Ass
- Ungedanken
- Ungod
- Ungodly
- Ungoliantha
- Ungrace
- Unholy Archangel
- Unholy Crucifix
- Unholy Flames
- Unholy Force
- Unholy Grave
- Unholy Massacre
- Unholy Outlaw
- Unholy Transgression
- Unhuman Disease
- Unidos Pelo Ódio
- Union 13
- Unisonic
- United Mind Club
- Unleashed
- Unlight Order
- Unliver
- Unreal Terror
- Unsalvation
- Unsavory
- Unsilent
- Unsworn
- Untimely Demise
- Unveiled
- Uraeus
- Uranus
- Urbanoise
- Urchin
- Urgehal
- Urgrund
- Uriah Heep
- Uriah Heep
- Urn
- Urschrei
- Urshurark
- Ursinne
- Ursus
- Urto
- Usurper
- Utgard
- Uthriah
- Uttertomb
- Uzômi
- Uzziel
- Väärinkäsitys
- Vacant Body
- Vad
- Vader
- Vae Victis
- Vaginal Anomalies
- Vaginal Chicken
- Valefar
- Valhalla
- Valium
- Valkyrie
- Valley Of The Sun
- Valoton
- Valuatir
- Válvera
- Vampire
- Vampiria
- Vampiric Motives
- Van Camp
- Van Canto
- Van Der Graaf Generator
- Van Halen
- Van Morrison
- Vanadium
- Vanden Plas
- Vandenberg
- Vandenberg's Moonkings
- Vandöd
- Vandroya
- Vanexa
- Vanhelga
- Vanquish
- Varang Nord
- Varathron
- Vardan
- Vardis
- Varhorn
- Varial
- Various
- Varukers
- Vasen Käsi
- Vasomortus
- Vastator
- Vastness of Eternity
- Vastum
- Vazio
- Veér
- Vega
- Vegas
- Vehemence
- Vehexion
- Veilgath
- Veldraveth
- Velhas Virgens
- Velho
- Velimor
- Velm
- Velocity
- Velvet Revolver
- Vemoth
- Vendetta
- Venedae
- Veneficum
- Vénen
- Veneral Disease
- Venereal Disease
- Venereal Messiah
- Venereal Sickness
- Vengeance
- Venom
- Venom Inc.
- Venomous
- Venomous Breath
- Vênus
- Venus
- Venus 5
- Verderben
- Verdugo
- Vereor Nox
- Veritatem Solam
- Vermenoise
- Vermeth
- Vermiforme
- Vermin
- Vermis
- Vermis Mortem
- Vermis Mysteriis
- Versos Miríades
- VersOver
- Versus
- Verthebral
- Vesano
- Vesna
- Vetor
- Vetus Kran
- Veuliah
- Veumor
- Vhaldemar
- Via Dolorosa
- Vibrion
- Vicious Rumors
- Victim
- Victimizer
- Victory
- Vidharr
- Vidian
- Vigilance
- Vigilia Mortum
- Viimeinen Kolonna
- Viking
- Vikings
- Vikram
- Villains
- Vince Neil
- Vincent Crowley
- Vinder
- Vingador
- Vingança Suprema
- Vinte!
- Vintergata
- Vinterland
- Vintersorg
- Vinterthron
- Vio-lence
- Violated
- Violator
- Violence
- Violent Attack
- Violent Definition
- Violent Devoties
- Violent Hate
- ViolentCrush
- Violeta De Outono
- Viollen
- Viper
- Virgin Sin
- Virgin Steele
- Virgin's Vomit
- Virtual
- Vírus
- Virus
- Virus 7
- Vis
- Vis Absoluta
- Visceral Damage
- Visceral Decay
- Visceral Evisceration
- Visceral Slaughter
- Vísceras Do Sol
- Visigoth
- Vision Divine
- Vision Of Disorder
- Visions Of Atlantis
- Vital Remains
- Vitamin X
- Vítimas Da Miséria
- Vivian Campbell
- Vixen
- Vizaresh
- Vjölenza
- Vladimir Cherepovsky
- Vltimas
- Vobiscum Inferni
- Vociferian
- Vodu
- Vöedtæmhtëhactått
- Voice
- Voice Of Hate
- Void Column
- Voivod
- Vokonis
- Volbeat
- Volcanova
- Volkana
- Volkmort
- Voltumna
- Vomepotro
- Vomit Bag Squad
- Vomit Of Doom
- Vomit Spell
- Vomit Stain
- Vômito
- Vomitoma
- Vomitomb
- Vomitory
- Vomitose
- Vomitrot
- Von boom
- Von Hexe
- Voodoo Angel
- Voodoo Circle
- Voodoo Glow Skulls
- Voodoo Highway
- Voodoo Hill
- Voodoo Kiss
- VoodooPriest
- Voracity
- Vorgus
- Vornth
- Vortex
- Vorus
- Vowe
- Vox Mortem
- Vox Satanas
- Vox Satyr
- Voyager
- Vrag
- Vredehammer
- Vreid
- Vritra
- Vrykolakas
- Vulcain
- Vulcano
- Vulthum
- Vultos Murmurios
- Vultos Vociferos
- Vultur
- Vultur Gryphus
- Vulture
- Vultures
- Vulturine
- Vulvectomy
- Vuohivasara
- Vyndykator
- W.A.C.K
- W.A.S.P.
- W.E.B.
- W.E.T.
- Waco Fuck
- Wael Daou
- Waffentrager Luzifers
- Waking the Cadaver
- Wald
- Waldschein
- Wallride
- Walls of Blood
- Walls Of Jericho
- Walpurgisnacht
- Walsung
- Wanderer
- War
- War Atrocities
- War Eternal
- War Machine
- War Pestilence
- WarAge
- Warbiff
- Warbound
- Warbringer
- Warcollapse
- Warcry
- Warcursed
- Wardeath
- Warfare
- Warfare Noise
- Warforged
- Wargate
- Wargoat
- Wargoatcult
- Wargore
- Wargrinder
- Warhammer
- Warhawk
- Warhead
- Warhorde
- Warhorse
- Warknife
- Warkrust
- Warkvlt
- Warlock
- Warlock 666
- Warlord
- Warmen
- Warnnihilation
- Warpath
- Warrant
- Warrel Dane
- Warrior
- Warrior Path
- Warseid
- Warsenal
- Warshipper
- Warsickness
- Warstrike 666
- Warvictims
- Warwound
- Wasara
- Waste Mankind
- Wasteland Coven
- Watain
- Watercolor Butterfly
- Waxen
- Wayd
- Waylander
- We Came As Romans
- We Have Seen The Enemy.
- We Sell the Dead
- Weapon 13
- Weaponizer
- Wedard
- Weezer
- Wehrmacht
- Weinhold
- Welkin
- Weltkriegh
- Wende
- Werewölf
- Whalesong
- Wharflurch
- What I Want
- Whiplash
- Whipstriker
- Whiskey & Funeral
- Whispering Gallery
- Whispering Woods
- White Dragon Project
- White Skull
- White Spirit
- White Stones
- Whitecross
- Whitesnake
- WhoCares
- Whom Gods Destroy
- Whorehouse
- Wicked Innocence
- Wicked Mystic
- Wicked Smile
- Widowmaker
- Wiegedood
- Wig Wam
- Wihinei Rita
- Wild Child
- Wild Dogs
- Wild Witch
- Wildfire
- Wilds Forlorn
- Wilkołak
- Will Haven
- Will of the Ancients
- Will With Hate
- Wind of the Black Mountains
- Windfall
- Windir
- Winds of Genocide
- Winger
- Wings of War
- Winter Eternal
- Winter Of Apokalypse
- Winterblood
- Winterblut
- Wintercold
- Winterfront
- Winterkill
- Wintermoon
- Winternight
- Winters
- Winterstorm
- Winterstrain
- Wintersun
- Wintter
- Wisdom
- Wishbone Ash
- Witch Cross
- Witch Hunt
- Witch King
- Witch Tomb
- Witch Vomit
- Witchblade
- Witchblood
- Witchbones
- Witchburner
- Witchcraft
- Witchcross
- Witcher
- Witchery
- Witches Hollow
- Witches Sabbath
- Witchfuck
- Witchfynde
- Witchgoat
- Witchgrave
- Witchhamer
- Witchhammer
- Witching Altar
- Witchkross
- Witchnight
- Witchtiger
- Witchtrap
- Witchunter
- Witchwood
- Withblood
- Withered Earth
- Withering Night
- Withering Surface
- Within Temptation
- Without Face
- Without My Shadow
- Wizards
- Wizards' Hymn
- Wizzard
- Wodanaz
- Wojnar
- Wolf
- Wolf & Winter
- Wolf Hoffmann
- Wolf's Legacy
- Wolf'sfang
- Wolfenburg
- Wolfheart
- Wolflust
- Wolfmother
- Wolfs Legacy
- Wolfshade
- Wolfslair
- Wolftooth
- Wolves in the Throne Room
- Womb of Maggots
- World Of Lies
- Worm
- Wormreich
- Wormwood
- Worstenemy
- Woslom
- Wotanorden
- Wounds
- Wrathblade
- Wrathful Plague
- Written In Torment
- Wucan
- Wurdulak
- Wyrd
- Wytch
- Wyvern