Anarkhon – Obiasot Dwybat Ptnotun CD


Quinto álbum da banda Paulista de Brutal Death Metal, lançado em 2023.

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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2023
País: Brasil
Ano de Formação: 1999
Procedência: Nacional
Gravadora: Mutilation Records
Estilo:  Brutal Death Metal

Track List :
1.Deliberate Chaos Caused by Violations of the Laws of Nature
2.Levitating Among Unspeakable Cosmic Anomalies
3.The Devourer of Eons Manipulates the Inanimate Puppet Called Man
4.Whispering the Mantra of Death in Horrendous Ecstasy
5.The Colossal Deformed Hallucination Distort and Violates the State of Entropy
6.The Aura of Extinction
7.Dissolution of the Firmament Through the Wrath of Spectral Emanations
8.Only Being in a State of Total Delirium Will You Be Able to Pronounce the Name of the Unfathomable Nightmare


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