CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2021/2022
País: Inglaterra
Ano de Formação: 1986
Procedência: Nacional
Gravadora: Shinigami Rec.
Estilo: Melodic Death Metal/Death ‘n’ Roll
1. Torn Arteries
2. Dance of IXTAB (Psychopomp & Circumstance March No.1 in B)
3. Eleanor Rigor Mortis
4. Under the Scalpel Blade
5. The Devil Rides Out
6. Flesh Ripping Torment Limited
7. Kelly’s Meat Emporium
8. In God We Trust
9. Wake Up and Smell the Carcass / Caveat Emptor
10. The Scythe’s Remorseless Swing
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