Cerebral Turbulency – Impenetrable CD


Terceiro álbum da banda tcheca de Death Metal/Grindcore, lançado em 2001.

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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2001
País: República Tcheca
Ano de Formação: 1994
Procedência: Internacional
Gravadora: Khaaranus Productions
Estilo: Death Metal/Grindcore


1. Feeble Minds of the Nation
2. Different World
3. Yes! Legitimate
4. Same Choices
5. Life Is About Knowledge
6. My Inner Mate
7. Fear of Indifference
8. The Best in the End
9. You Are Your Own Limit
10. Throw Your Mask Away
11. Harsh Future
12. Adiós a las corridas
13. For Money But from the Heart
14. Don’t Let Her Consume!
15. Frenzied Imagination
16. Loss of Identity
17. Brutes and Animals
18. Development
19. You’re a Poor Wretch
20. Kokos
21. Harmless Citizen
22. Feeling of Blame
23. We Are Also People
24. Clean Shaven Brains
25. The More – The Higher
26. Suicide



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