Dezperadoz – The Legend and the Truth CD


Segundo  Álbum da banda Alemã de Heavy/Southern/Thrash Metal,  lançado em 2006.

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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2006.
País: Alemanha
Procedência: Nacional
Gravadora: Rock Brigade Records
Estilo: Heavy/Southern/Thrash Metal



1. The Legend and the Truth 02:34
2. Dust of History 04:22
3. First Blood 05:07
4. Deadman Walkin’ 05:11
5. Rawhide 02:34
6. Tombstone 01:58
7. Hellbilly Square 03:24
8. March to Destiny 04:19
9. OK Corral 04:36
10. Shootout 00:46
11. Look into the Barrel of My Gun 02:31
12. Earp’s Vendetta 04:05
13. Friends till the End 04:17
14. Echoes of Eternity 04:06
15. Alex 00:27


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