Dissection – Storm of the Light’s Bane CD


Álbum Duplo da banda Sueca de Melodic Black Metal/Melodic Death Metal, lançado em 1995 e relançado em 2006.

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CD Duplo (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 1995/2006
País: Suécia
Ano de Formação: 1989
Procedência: Internacional
Gravadora: Icarus Music
Estilo: Melodic Black Metal/Melodic Death Metal

CD 1
1. At the Fathomless Depths
2. Night’s Blood
3. Unhallowed
4. Where Dead Angels Lie
5. Retribution – Storm of the Light’s Bane
6. Thorns of Crimson Death
7. Soulreaper
8. No Dreams Breed in Breathless Sleep
CD 2
1. At the Fathomless Depths
2. Night’s Blood
3. Unhallowed
4. Where Dead Angels Lie
5. Retribution – Storm of the Light’s Bane
6. Feathers Fell
7. Thorns of Crimson Death
8. Soulreaper
9. No Dreams Breed in Breathless Sleep
10. Night’s Blood
11. Retribution – Storm of the Light’s Bane
12. Elisabeth Bathori (Tormentor cover)
13. Where Dead Angels Lie (demo version)
14. Antichrist (Slayer cover)
15. Son of the Mourning


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