CD Simples (Digipack)
Ano: 2017
País: Brasil
Ano de Formação: 1992
Procedência: Nacional
Gravadora: Heavy Metal Rock Records
Estilo: Melodic Black / Death Metal
1. Lucifer Prometheus Sun in Aries 0°0’0″ – Equinox
2. Heptarchia Mystica – The Enochians Slaves Angelicae
3. The Magician Hierophant of Hadit in Equinox
4. The Paroketh Veil 0 The Sun of Tipharet
5. Draco Estelar Ophidian Ignea
6. In Astral Journey Through of Kingdom of the Quliphots
7. Le Messe Noir – Le Psychodrame Original
8. Heptarquia Mystica – The Enochians Slaves Angelicae (orchestral version)
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