CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2022
País: Reino Unido
Ano de Formação: 1979
Procedência: Nacional
Gravadora: Shinigami Records
Estilo: Progressive Rock
1. “Be Hard On Yourself”
i. “The Tear in the Big Picture”
ii. “Lust for Luxury”
iii. “You Can Learn”
2. “Reprogram the Gene”
i. “Invincible”
ii. “Trouble-Free Life”
iii. “A Cure for Us?”
3. “Only a Kiss”
4. “Murder Machines”
5. “The Crow and the Nightingale”
6. “Sierra Leone”
i. “Chance in a Million”
ii. “The White Sand”
iii. “The Diamond”
iv. “The Blue Warm Air”
v. “More Than a Treasure”
7. “Care”
i. “Maintenance Drugs”
ii. “An Hour Before It’s Dark”
iii. “Every Cell”
iv. “Angels on Earth”
8. Murder Machines 12″remix
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