Mental Alternation – The Return Of The Great Fucking Curse CD


Compilação lançada em 2008 pela banda Peruana de Black Metal.

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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2008
País: Peru
Ano de Formação: 1992
Procedência: Internacional
Gravadora: A Sangre Fria Records (Peru)
Estilo: Black Metal

1. Lost Dream
2. Gore Lunatic
3. Vengeance of Medieval Warriors
4. Lost Dreams
5. Dona eis Requiem
6. Burnt to a Crisp
7. Squeeze Anton
8. Extremas Masacres
9. Gore Lunatic
10. Vomiting in the System
11. Criminal Autopsy
12. Funebrous Apparittions
13. Putrefact Corpse
14. Delirium Tremens
15. Putrilage
16. Anal Hypertrophy
17. Exploiter.Filthy
18. Cannibal Holocaust
19. Splatter-Gore
20. Charred Fovea
21. Funebrous Apparittions
22. Gore Lunatic
23. Dark Souls
24. Sepulchral Noise
25. Criminal Autopsy
26. Dislocated Anus Emanation
27. Internal Haemorrhage
28. Vomiting in the System
29. In Your Sarcophagus
30. Money by Pleasure
31. Mind Dead, Supurated Pus Rot
32. Pulverised Collapse Abdominal
33. Terrible Repulsive Carnage
34. Parasitic Carniverous Carrion
35. Hungry by more Cadavers
36. Putrefact Corpse
37. Delirium Tremens
38. Putrilage
39. Anal Hypertrophy
40. Exploiter.Filthy


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