Necromantia / Varathron – The Black Arts Lead To Everlasting Sins CD


Split com as bandas Necromantia /e Varathron, lançado originalmente em 1992.
Versão de 2020 com slipcase.

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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica+Slipcase)
Ano: 1992/2020
Procedência: Nacional
Gravadora: Hammer of Damnation
Estilo: Black Metal


1. Necromantia – Lord of the Abyss
2. Necromantia – The Feast of Ghouls
3. Necromantia – Evil Prayers
4. Necromantia – Lycanthropia
5. Necromantia – De Magia Veterum
6. Varathron – The Cult of the Dragon
7. Varathron – The Tressrising of Nyarlathotep
8. Varathron – La Reine Noir
9. Varathron – Outro
10. Varathron – Descent of a Prophetic Vision
11. Varathron – Genesis of Apocryphal Desires


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