Sealed In Blood – You’ll Forever be the Monument Commemorating the Souls Condemned by Life CD


Segundo álbum da banda polonesa de Dark Ambient, lançado em 2009.

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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2009
País: Polônia
Ano de Formação: 2003
Procedência: Internacional
Gravadora: Heerwegen Tod Production
Estilo: Dark Ambient


1. Caves will forever remain the temples of mysterious nature
2. I give my soul up to the darkness
3. The gate to oblivion
4. Death is the dream’s older sister, so sleep tight
5. The voice of the ancient temple
6. Only the forest will be my kingdom
7. I have given my soul up to the darkness
8. You’ll forever be the monument commemorating the souls condemned by life


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