Unholy Archangel – Kataclysmic Perversions CD


Compilação da banda australiana de Black/Death Metal, lançado em 2017.

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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica)
Ano: 2019
País: Grécia
Ano de Formação: 1996
Procedência: Internacional
Gravadora: Frost and Fire
Estilo: Black/Death Metal

1. Intro: Winds of Kataklysm
2. Faethon
3. Titan Battle, Part 1
4. Unholy Vomits in the Holy Chalice
5. Intro: Nemesis Descent (The End of Iron Age)
6. Foronis
7. The Apollonian Temple of Death
8. Νώμη Ρετάπ
9. Archgoat Incantation
10. Warfare Mania (Before Battle / Into Battle)
11. Deathrash (Sarcófago cover)
12. Outro: The Majestic Dawn of the New Golden Age
13. Summon the Mirmidons
14. Fobos and Dimos
15. Blessed by Aris
16. Anal Jehovah
17. Intro: Journey to Acheron
18. The Fall of Titans
19. Hail Apollo
20. Talos
21. Possessed by Hecate
22. Outro: Hymn to Zeys
23. Intro: The Oath in the Dark Waters of Styx
24. Fanitas
25. Dionysos Orgy
26. Bloodthirsty Demons
27. Hail Apollo
28. Possessed by Hecate
29. Wrath of Hercules
30. Outro: The Anagennesis of the Ancient Psyche


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